[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 4] (999)

508 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9062 03:17

This isnft the eighties anymore sweetheart, bringing out MADD and OMM like theyfre even relevant anymore. The odds of any of you recently having ever had a personal experience w one of those groups is astronomically low, while American youth hears the outrage from Marxists on a daily basis in their universities and in news media, both of which have more influence than 1000 MADD groups could ever have. We see BLM, March for our Lives and Womenfs marches every damn day, and the people funding those groups sure as shit are not Christians, theyfre hard leftists, many of them openly proclaiming themselves Marxists, post modernists, etc.

Anyone who knows anything about Marxist history knows top members meeting in secret is exactly how they conducted themselves, whether it be Trotsky in New York, Luxembourg in Germany or Lenin while in exile. Itfs absolutely astonishing the internal contradictions of a movement led and funded by ultra wealthy oligarchs, the same kind of people Trotsky was begging for money from while he was in New York for the purpose of financing the Russian revolution, which later brought us the second most murderous dictator in human history and a mass genocide of Russian Christians only dwarfed by Maofs China. Itfs always been a movement led by blood and power thirsty authoritarians using half baked philosophy purposely meant to appeal to the idealism of stupid young people.

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