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196 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9029 19:06

Why are people so obsessed with having a lot of free RAM?

My desktop has 32GB of RAM and my laptop has 8GB. That's not even counting swap/pagefile. It's not a big deal. Not everything has to be ultra-minimal. Usability and workflow are more important. I can also spin up servers on AWS or Heroku with whatever resources I need. Elasticity is an important aspect of cloud. Cloud is an important aspect of computing. Not everything is offline. You can use remote resources too, you know.

What IDEs can you use in Linux? What dev tools? vim and emacs are ancient and irrelevant. It's 2018. Software has changed, but the Linux development workflow really hasn't changed to meet modern needs. A lot of important software isn't available for Linux. Then you have to either use WINE, a VM, or a web-based version of something. Or even worse, "cross-platform" "native" Electron wrappers for web apps.

Tons of Unix-like stuff is available for macOS, like brew, coreutils, moreutils, bash, zsh, git, and so on. But macOS also has something that Linux does not: commercial software support. I'm not a freetard and I value usability over muh freedums. And Xcode is Mac-only. Complain about it all you want, that's just how it is.

The fact of the matter is that you can't make iOS apps in Windows or Linux. That's a huge deal-breaker to me.

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