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424 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9037 20:57

I wasn't going to engage this dumbassery but I can't resist any longer. I'm sick of abiding reactionary neoliberal dipshits masquerading as leftists.

If you're an actual leftist and not just a limousine liberal paying lip service to the "inclusionary" ideological zeitgeist so you don't lose your comfy BYOD open office Silicon Valley tech job then ignoring the Jews is dangerous self-deception. The Jews are one of the greatest enemies of international class solidarity out there. No other group spends more time and money lobbying for unrestricted immigration, open borders, busting unions, importing low-skill workers willing to work for next to nothing, all in the name of enriching themselves while further dividing the proletariat along racial lines, suppressing class consciousness. Certainly 100% of Jews aren't such rootless cosmopolitans, but a disproportionate amount of international capitalists are Jews; pretending otherwise is ignoring an uncomfortable truth in the hope it'll eventually just go away.

At some point the "left", once the champions of the working class, figured out they could continue paying lip service to the working class and using their votes to stay in power while in actuality having policy that differs little from the other puppets of international capital who enrich themselves at the expense of the proletariat. Insincere neoliberal ideologues spout charming but meaningless platitudes about how maximum diversity is on the horizon (if this sounds familiar it should) and then wonder why their support is eroding among the working class they used to champion. The brand of condescending proselytizing becoming increasingly popular among the "left" is also annoying at best and dangerous at worst. At best, you make an obscure yellow fever anime messageboard that's already been dying a slow death since 2009 slightly shittier. At worst, you actively convert the working class away from their own best interest and toward right-wing populism when they rightfully bristle at your inept lecturing and mother-knows-best attitude and purposely go looking for "whatever the opposite of what that guy says."

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