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462 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9038 18:40

>>459 I'm not justifying anything, you're just such a low IQ corn(syrup)-fed American teenbro that you still think someone who literally says "the Jews are an enemy of the international workers" is 'alt-right'. Like, do Americans think actual anarchists are right wing now? I guess you're too used to the tribalistic circus show of labels of American politics and if I don't spell out my closest -ism in giant flashing fucking neon letters then you won't understand.

It's not anti-semitic to make the objectively true observation that Jews hold a disproportionate amount of wealth and power compared to their global population size, neither is it anti-semitic to be against Israeli settler colonization. In fact I'd say that's pro-semitic, since Palestinian Arabs are semites too and Israel literally locks them in concentration camps and blockades them to prevent any kind of food or aid or medicine from reaching them. I really don't care if you were triggered by punctuation marks, or about whatever buzzword you just learned on neoliberal twitter this morning.

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