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474 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9039 01:49

I spent half an hour trying to help my baby boomer relative turn their laptop on and type their password in so they could log in, but every single time I gave a simple instruction they managed to mess it up. By the end, they didn't manage to do it. They just gave up and got mad at me. As if I'm to blame for their tech-illiteracy.

Things like "press the power button" and "type your password" and "is the computer turned on already?" and "what's on the screen?" are apparently rocket science to old people. I'm not even kidding. That's what I was trying to help him do, and he COULD NOT DO IT. I explained things many different ways, but he just couldn't figure it out. And he blamed ME.

This is a dude with a master's degree from a prestigious university and he can't even fucking press a power button without great difficulty. Typing a password is also apparently frustrating and difficult for him.

Holy fucking shit. Like, he's not a complete moron in all aspects of life. He's a fucking genius in some areas related to his job, but why is he so bad with technology?

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