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479 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9096 20:21

Maybe asceticism isn't the right word, but just general anti-hedonism. Too many people these days just live for pleasure. There's more to life than bread and circus.

I don't like the following things:
•People who don't go to the gym -- you don't have to be in perfect shape, but you have to at least try to improve yourself
•People who don't read books, or only read shitty books, like scifi, fantasy, romance, etc. rather than books about ideology, history, religion, or other important issues. There is a big difference between someone who reads Chomsky/Nietzsche/Linkola/etc and someone who reads Harry Potter or Ready Player One. Some books make you think, others are just useless ways to pass the time.
•People who enjoy TV, movies, video games, etc.
•People who constantly talk about how "bored" they are, and think being entertained is the only important thing in life
•People who don't do anything productive in their time off work/school
•Extreme wealth is corrupting, because then it changes how you live your life. You can have a mansion, sports car, golden chandeliers, fancy silverware, etc. None of that shit really matters. It's just materialistic garbage. Materialism and excess wealth are bad.
•Not having a sense of purpose in life and just floating around doing nothing in particular
•Hyper-sexuality, fueled by modern media, Tinder, etc.
•People who consume, but don't create. People who watch movies, eat comfort food, etc. but won't write something, won't program something, won't paint something, won't make things on their own. It's very liberating to make things.

You don't have to be 100% pure with asceticism, but being overly-indulgent is really bad. Modern western culture is extremely indulgent.

Here's an example of someone I know in real life: he's my age and he calls himself a gamer and a stoner. He plays games because it's fun and entertaining to him. He smokes weed to feel good. He defines his entire identity around self-absorbed pleasure-seeking. What a useless existence.

I'm somewhat hypocritical in the sense that I drink. I think alcohol is indulgent/hedonistic, so it's something I need to be aware of. But that doesn't change the way I feel about it. It doesn't make what I say invalid. You can be aware of a problem instead of pretending that everything you do is perfect. I feel like liberals nowadays are too keen on trying to accept all of their problems instead of working on them. Like fat acceptance, LGBT acceptance, etc -- why not try to work on your problems instead of giving up and forcing everyone to tolerate them?

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