[Psychiatry] And how does that make you feel? (114)

15 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9085 00:05

>>10 This, this blatant cynicism of trying to turn a person's introspections into something as crass as an opportunity to win another "follower" for whatever banal earthly political party it is you're shilling for. It's the real reason modernity is such a poison for the psyche. Everything and everyone is a product to be sold, every occasion, simply an opportunity to sell more product. Behind the scenes at every event in history has been some unscrupulous vulture like you who sees only an opportunity for momentary worldly gain, hawking souvenir coins or some other equally worthless trinket.

I won't be taken advantage of, you lecherous filth who looks at a person in despair and sees only an opportunity to make a sale. Begone!

irony :: stage

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