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470 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9139 23:58

>>455,456 srsly it's so cursed the only good thing I saw out of it was a meta version where a sinister force with glowing red eyes food-polices a 3D-animated version of the guy 3D-animating this shit

>>464 USA just on paper, but Canada is the stream meme dream team and didn't drop a map trying to BM Brazil who deadass said they were gonna take this serious; o' course, y' can't count Korea out of this and being ethnically but not entirely culturally of that persuasion myself I must confess a bias against their turbulent--wait, World Series? My bad.

>>467 likes broccoli but is getting my noodly 130lb ass stared down by pizzatarians
t-tomato (... b-but it's not a vegetable)

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