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576 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9145 08:18

If the audience is non-technical, I either use plaintext (treated as plaintext) or LaTeX, with plaintext preferred. This will ensure that documentation is either simple enough that it can be read quickly, or detailed enough to be reassuring.

IMHO, the benefits of almost-plaintext formats are extremely slight, and overshadowed by the threat that it might get overcomplicated to the point that it requires a browser to view.

If the audience is technical, typing "man foo" is more direct than searching the web for "foo documentation -bar -baz" or hunting through /usr/share for a README: the brain has to go through fewer context switches between "How do I work the damn thing again" and "I am now learning how to work the damn thing". mdoc.samples(7) is helpful.

Also what >>569 said.
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