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734 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9257 00:41

erm, it was an amusing thought whereby i was wondering what mechanism might make it possible, and i felt it was something that godlike (but foolish) beings wanting to populate a different universe by copying the "AI" from their Our-Universe computer that's getting a little old and slow might try

and because that crowd is simultaneously medium-high in INT and extremely low in WIS, i thought the infomercial-like incompetence would be a bit amusing, but i think actually it would just be like a normal season of Survivor, except it doesn't end. so in my scenario nobody misses them not because nobody would, but because they are clones.

Read lots of books, 80/20 style; record anything you want to keep remembering in SRS software like Anki (this is a thing you have to meta-study), don't forget to apply things practically or you'll just be a consumer and not a producer. don't get discouraged by the puffery you see on places like Hacker News or from the superstar open-source devs, a lot of these people are in fact better than lots of others at programming, but the degree to which this is true seems like pure vanity to me. "the complete software developer's career guide" is one of several books that can give you some pointers on how to get started, but there's no be-all end-all out there.

(source: I am still struggling to find a job after graduating years ago and programming since childhood in the 90s; every rejection has so far vindicated of my abusive parents in regards to my worthlessness, and I live with those narcissists, so my brain comes up with the counterproductive solution, "well, we're just not going to apply that much")


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