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939 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9276 17:58

I think you're wrong in the sense of purpose The Beatles placed into their music. The aim evidently goes beyond just mere sensorial enjoyment, else they wouldn't have bothered searching for technical innovations of the art form if they weren't yearning for some sort of transcendence from traditional rock and roll. The psychedelic themes are also a huge hint here, transcendental spirituality was the goal all along. Lifting the soul to reach some sort of higher truth, I guess.

That is also why punk is so antithetical to whatever the beatles did, they reject spiritual truisms and religious navel-gazing and fully embrace the grit and pathos of the real, modern world and incorporated it into their music. You're right here when saying that punk couldn't have existed without the beatles though, an opposition movement couldn't have being given birth without something to oppose

Anyway, I like the copypasta because it's made by the same guy that called a fucking eurobeat ripoff called dubi dubi doo or some shit "a demented dance-pop anthem" and that's hilarious

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