Should clothing reflect the person? (29)

1 Name: Chou : 2008-03-09 20:40 ID:mqYl4wDU

I'm really interested in steampunk styled clothing lately, and although I've not made effort to remake my wardrobe (for I am too poor) I've managed to incorporate some steam punk things into my wardrobe. Though I really do love Victorian Sci Fi, I tend to be drawn toward mysticism, the complete opposite of the science-y science of steampunk. This doesn't, however, keep me from lovin ed. science like it deserves to be lo Does this make me a hypocrite?

Even then, should people that dress the complete opposite as their beliefs come with a little disclaimer taped to their back? What about if you dress the way be expect you to, does that make you a conformist?

Society tends to be quite lookist, especially in the US ;_;

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