Meet your meat (52)

1 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-01 06:53 ID:8ukKas0g

Do not look away. You are responsible for it.

3 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-01 08:22 ID:LSsqkmoZ

Man, even if I agree with a lot of things they say, I fucking hate those guys.

4 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-01 08:25 ID:Heaven

lol PETA!

This video has not changed the fact that I'm having lamb chops for dinner.

5 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-01 17:47 ID:vKVgGRdd

Profiting from honey requires the manipulation and exploitation of the insects’ desire to live and protect their hive. Like other factory-farmed animals, honeybees are victims of unnatural living conditions, genetic manipulation, and stressful transportation.

Avoid honey, beeswax, propolis, royal jelly, and other products that come from bees. Vegan lip balms and candles are readily available. Visit for a list of companies that don’t use animal products. Rice syrup, molasses, sorghum, barley malt, maple syrup, and dried fruit or fruit concentrates can be used to replace honey in recipes. Call 1-888-VEG-FOOD or visit to order a free vegetarian starter kit that contains information about compassionate eating choices.

6 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-01 20:30 ID:QV8h2bN6

Soo.. essentially... it's a matter of "eat healthy OR eat environmentally consciously!"
hm. the world sucks.

7 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-01 21:20 ID:y6cw9aXj

Veganism is what happens to people who haven't ever needed to go hungry.

8 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-01 22:52 ID:ZFpeck8a

Still better to be a vegan than to be a fruitarian.

9 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-03 09:58 ID:QV8h2bN6

better to be either than to be a breatharian.

10 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-03 18:44 ID:PmbQJb9g

OMG thats just stupid.

11 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-03 19:21 ID:GriwllBq

Simple solution. Soylent Green. It's like people.

12 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-04 14:22 ID:NALcHrqg

So, once we're able to grow meat in vats (pretty soon now, it seems, thanks to recent developments), will vegans eat that or not?

13 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-04 17:00 ID:9e/m/676

I saw a car with a "Meat is Gross" bumper sticker on campus today. It made me think - is vegetarian's problem with eating meat the conditions food animals are raised in, or in the simple fact of killing animals to eat them? If it's the former, then someone who protests KFC chickens being raised in inhumane conditions shouldn't have any problem with me shooting ducks to eat. If the latter, well.. that's just ridiculous, isn't it? If eating meat is inherently wrong, then why are there animals SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to do so? Wouldn't that imply that nature itself fucked up?

14 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-04 18:15 ID:bU21j8Zi

> If eating meat is inherently wrong, then why are there animals SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to do so?

You mean carnivores, right? Not "animals made to be eaten"?

15 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-04 20:14 ID:9e/m/676


Yeah. Guess I didn't word that as well as I could've.

16 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-04 23:18 ID:Heaven

There are some who believe one way, and some who believe the other, it really just depends on the individual.

Some people do take it to the point of saying nature itself is messed up and do stuff like try to turn their pets vegan or vegetarian

But there are plenty of vegetarians who don't take it to that level, and just are not eating it due to the cruelty animals raised for meat face as you mentioned.

17 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-05 12:01 ID:NALcHrqg


So to repeat the earlier question, would they eat vat-grown meat?

18 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-05 12:05 ID:B7aGUBpE


>If eating meat is inherently wrong, then why are there animals SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to do so? Wouldn't that imply that nature itself fucked up?

So what is your stance on cannibalism?

>It made me think - is vegetarian's problem with eating meat the conditions food animals are raised in, or in the simple fact of killing animals to eat them?

I'm a vegetarian because "meat is gross". I neither like the taste nor texture of most meat products (just as I dont like certain fruits). I know about how meat is "produced" and don't find it very appetizing in the best case (just killing and butchering) and outright appaling in the worst (KFC style industrial production).

But this is really only one end of the meat eating spectrum: how many westerners do you know that eat meat of pigs, cows etc. but not cat or dog meat? Muscle meat vs entrails?
Personal taste and cultural conditioning affect meat eaters just as they affect vegetarians.

>>7 said "Veganism is what happens to people who haven't ever needed to go hungry." But the same holds true about being picky about what parts of what animals one eats. Just take look at the cuisines of the world and how they developed.

>[...]someone who protests KFC chickens being raised in inhumane conditions shouldn't have any problem with me shooting ducks to eat.

I don't.

19 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-05 16:54 ID:UACSJowI


You do have a point. I can't picture how people can enjoy eating internal organs (liver, etc.) but there are plenty of people who do.

20 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-05 20:00 ID:vKVgGRdd

>I can't picture how people can enjoy eating internal organs (liver, etc.) but there are plenty of people who do.

Including you, if you've ever eaten a sausage of any sort. Notably, hot dogs contain tripe (stomach lining)

21 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-05 21:09 ID:9e/m/676


...please don't tell me things that are just going to upset me. (・Д・)

22 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-06 05:12 ID:9ooTEsTJ

It's true though. If you ever ate a sausage, chances are that a cow farted through that before.

23 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-07 13:00 ID:Heaven

Cooked chopped liver with onions is rather good actually.
muscle tissue i have no problems with. Lungs (if such are ever served, no idea), intestine, gall bladder, eyes, veins, etc, are stuff that don't seem particularly nice to eat. But then again I don't even like bone marrow. Go figure.
I probably should add that i'm a heavy consumer of veggies. but i quite enjoy some proper meat once in a while. Especially seafood, chicken, and good steak.

24 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-17 03:38 ID:s+YaHW57

Lungs are called "tripes" and are rather distinctive-looking. In the US and Canada, it is traditional to add them to sausage (and disguise this fact on the label by a term like "variety meats" or "meat by-products") or else make them into pet food.

Most anything that the meat packing industry doesn't think people would want to buy if they just wrapped it up and put it on a shelf ends up in sausage or pet food.

25 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-10-17 20:28 ID:PmbQJb9g

Liver rules , it's so tasty.
And just remember somthing important , if we don't eat animals , the animals eat more of another animal , result ecosystem fucked=earth dies.

26 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-11-26 05:56 ID:Heaven

A real website, that has interesting information about PETA.

27 Name: Apprentice Chef 2005-12-04 15:42 ID:Heaven

VEGSOC? Nice name...

28 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-18 03:08 ID:Q+kHXeIC

Tripe comes from the first and second divisions of the stomachs of cattle, sheep, goat.

Traditionally sausages/charcuterie were a useful and necessary way to make use of less appealing scraps. Before the introduction of synthetic casings, many sausages used natural casings from pigs, sheep, goats, cattle. That is to say they used the intestines from said animals.

29 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-18 22:26 ID:blPdSk6K


As far as animal rights in general, I've seen people take it WAAAY too far. As in even if animal research could cure cancer, they support ending it.

I don't care what people eat. Be organic or not, be vegan or carnivore. Eat nothing but ice cream. I have only two rules:

1.) Don't shit on people who for whatever reason cannot afford that kind of lifestyle. Organic costs about double "standard food" and people who live on fixed incomes can't just arbitrarily double the cost of their food. Sorry.

2.) If you want to ban or restrict research, at least have the courage to protest outside the hospital where the treatments are being used. Not fair to hide in the dark corner of the interwebs spouting off about stem cells and animal research. It's too easy that way. I want you to face the cancer patients and diabetics and people on dialysis. not just other nerds who agree with you.

30 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-20 05:52 ID:NBkBlijD

Liver's actually very tasty. This this liver spread in Germany that my German teacher dared us to try. It was actually really really really good. It's no wonder it's so popular there. I'd like to try it again, but I don't remember what it's called.:(

31 Name: ◕ ◡ ◕ : 2007-06-23 20:00 ID:0sQO2h5E

Liverwurst? Sort of a dull pinkish color, and you can spread it on crackers when it warms up a bit from the refrigerator?

It makes good sandwiches with Swiss cheese too.

32 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-24 04:42 ID:GzmpBUAx


I hope you and everyone else who thinks eating sausages or an animals intestines is nasty realizes that they clean them before cooking or using them.


Jesus christ some people on this planet need to get over themselves and grow up. You think the hungry as fuck lion is going, "Ew, that thing has some shit on its leg im not going to eat that"? No it's going, "FUCK THIS IS GOOD MORE PLZ!".

While I am against how a lot of animals that are destined for consumption are treated there's not much you can do about it. If you don't like it you can either pay more for the "organic" shit (ie: getting the meat the old way) or go out and kill, butcher, cut, and cook the animal yourself like humans did it back then.

The only reason our meat is as cheap as it is now is because of the current way we treat and process our animals. The only reason we can get so much veggies and fruit is because of the way we process and treat our crops. If we stuck to the old way there would not be nearly enough food, and if there was it would be tons more expensive so most of you would be starving right now.

Also, fun fact: Back when mankind was younger you would thank the lord you could consume shit like brains, liver, lungs, and so on. Why? Because that was the only way to get some of the nutrients you needed. There was no easily obtained fruits or vegies.

tldr: God people, just be a human. You were designed to eat a balance of both meat and vegetable/fruit. Not just an extreme of one or the other. Sigh.

33 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-24 20:13 ID:thX9xW2L

Fuckin' signed.

34 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-24 20:19 ID:Heaven

I for one watched the entire thing without blinking. I know this happens to the animals I eat, and frankly I don't give a flying fuck.

35 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-24 20:23 ID:Heaven

"More than 100 000 cows are unable to walk off the transport trucks every year - yet they are slaughtered for human food anyway."
Umm, yes? Why would I care if the cow that produced my steak was walking or being dragged to the slaughterhouse? It doesn't affect the taste.

36 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-25 09:50 ID:dCWAbyKu

it makes me sad watching this video because i don't like getting personal with my food. I can't help the fact that i need a balanced diet to live. If the animals have to be treated that way in order for me NOT to have to get personal with them (meaning, going out and killing them myself), So be it. I tried being a vegetarian, but it just didn't work. my diet wasn't balanced and affected my health.

37 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-25 16:33 ID:0sQO2h5E

You could, I suppose, take up hunting.

For a lot of wealthy people in the industrialized Western nations, it's an expensive hobby, "communing with nature," blah blah.

Hunting because you're hungry and there are no other protein sources available to you, on the other hand, is hard, dirty work, with no guarantee of success when you go out. And if you cut yourself while skinning and gutting a rabbit or squirrel and get its blood in your wound, and you are having a really unlucky day, you can get a liver fluke infection that can kill you.

Is shooting a rabbit or a deer better or worse, morally speaking, than purchasing the products of factory farms?

38 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-29 18:47 ID:lz0qhKkM

Not that is not my meat. I eat my meat from the on campus slaughterhouse and meat lab where people get trained to butcher meat. I have actually watched the slaughtering process for cows and pigs, because the lady that runs the desk for the meat lab shop is cool. The meat's top quality and cheap too.

I watched the slaughtering process, I am aware of how my meat reaches my table, and I am perfectly comfortable with it. Now leave me alone, kthnxbye.

39 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-24 05:59 ID:zeVvdqQl


I resent that.

40 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-25 21:49 ID:gViR818t


>You mean carnivores, right? Not "animals made to be eaten"?

What do you think those pink pigs are? Ever seen those in the wild? They're a product of selective human breeding, they've thrived on symbiosis with humans whereby we shelter and breed them in vast numbers in exchange for their flesh. Evolutionarily speaking, it's a win-win situation.

I'd like to see a heifer survive in the wild.

41 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-29 02:58 ID:j6cuGDZo

That's alright.

For every animal you dont eat, we'll eat 3.

42 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-30 04:28 ID:NoUBGrYQ

I just had chicken tonight! :D It was yummy!

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45 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-01 09:11 ID:nv2SGel1

God didn't place us on the top of the food chain just to eat grass.

46 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-01 23:23 ID:kwIPPEJS

>>45 More like we didn't place ourselves on top of the food chain just to eat grass.

47 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-10 02:11 ID:WajEn9BT

PETA is full of bullshit. I commend people who are vegetarian for saving the environment from all the resourses used up by animals we breed for eating, however if they're some sort of pig hugging PETA lover they can suck my balls.

"Oh noes, they're killing those poor cute animals! Meanwhile, I'll go fishing and kill some bugs because they're not cute so I don't care! LOL PETA!"

Point being, if you're a vegetarian cool, but do it for David Suzuki, not for animals you pretend to give a shit about.

48 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-10 05:41 ID:EKkl2x4D

I would never eat David Suzuki, there's hardly any meat on his bones.
Also, I respect him to much for his skill at Hungry Hungry Hippos.

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52 Name: David Suzuki : 2007-08-23 01:17 ID:0sQO2h5E

Thanks. I think.

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