Vegetarians and vegans (106)

97 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-08-27 19:42 ID:Heaven


>Ultimately, living with compassion means striving to maximize the good we accomplish, not following a set of rules or trying to fit a certain label. From eating less meat to being vegan, our actions are only a means to an end: decreasing suffering.

I understand what they mean.

>What we choose to eat makes a powerful statement about our ethics and our view of the world -- about our very humanity. Whenever we choose not to buy meat, eggs, and dairy products, we withdraw our support from cruelty to animals, undertake an economic boycott of factory farms, and support the production of cruelty-free foods.

This too.
But honestly, I don't see life this way. Nature has made carnivorous, herbivorous and omnivorous beings (amongst others, of course). And "mother nature" IS cruel. They're speaking about ethics and view of the world; it's okay for them to say they don't want to eat animals and enforce this by not eating animals. But the form of logic they are using is just one step from saying "you eat meat so you have no ethics and a wrong view of the world". Which is totally untrue. Also, there are many other ways of "changing the world" and "assessing your view of the world" or whatever, and there are today many more important topics to cover at short term.

>Other pamphlets around the site.

Okay, I understand your point of view. You think it's cruel killing animals, and that agribusiness is horrible. I can agree with the latter; there are times when things go too far.

But then again, it's not that way that things will change. Humanity stopping making war is an utopia already; humanity stopping eating meat and drinking milk is a joke. If I was to fight agribusiness I'd find other ways. Making documentaries, going political and trying to change things through the political way, going lawyer and finding flaws from which I'd attack industries, or brandishing a torch and burning down buildings (that's for the most fanatical out there). Stop eating meat and drinking milk? Not gonna achieve anything, and is going to frustrate me because I love meat and milk (and eggs too).

Then again, we're talking about agribusiness. Artisanal food prepared by farmers? I have not even the slightest remorse. Oh, I'm french, by the way, so as you may know I have a heavy culinary cultural background... and you won't make me feel bad for eating some foie gras - even if the method is, I recognize, a bit cruel. And no, I'm not an horrible person unable of compassion.

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