what are you craving right now? (287)

1 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-06 07:43 ID:xMkXqEgs

i want ice cream

2 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-06 12:49 ID:gpfhfEU+

Spaghetti with some meat (anything will do).

3 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-06 12:58 ID:sFxA58pm

nothing, I just ate some choco breakfest cerial

4 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-06 14:40 ID:XHgECM9G


5 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-08 05:41 ID:Z2swsZqL

Fish and chips

6 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-08 13:47 ID:ELzpzAvn


7 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-15 19:58 ID:xMkXqEgs


8 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-15 20:08 ID:3BrXMH/4

Chocolate-chip cookies.

9 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-16 01:28 ID:xMkXqEgs

potato chips, either original or sour cream and onion

10 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-16 17:09 ID:vJo1oLDi


11 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-18 05:46 ID:2VqaqLzq


12 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-18 06:46 ID:3BrXMH/4


13 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-18 12:08 ID:ot1PTmB2


15 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-18 18:27 ID:QT15yXBP

ketchup and onions.
2 missing ingredients i need for making my perfect fried rice :(

16 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-19 10:05 ID:3O6KQoaf

tuna sushi, plain inari and some kikkoman

17 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-19 21:55 ID:SYB8KgHJ

I want haggis. (-_-)

18 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-21 17:05 ID:3BrXMH/4

Grilled cheese.

19 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-21 17:45 ID:uaYTP4ta

I crave cheetos
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20 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-21 22:11 ID:+d0RBapK


21 Name: Pierre : 2006-12-22 12:34 ID:EfmmMg31


22 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-26 08:30 ID:U/Hpcdbj

Habanero chile

23 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-26 08:45 ID:XHgECM9G


24 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-26 16:34 ID:vJo1oLDi

Your mom

25 Name: Pierre : 2006-12-27 09:56 ID:EfmmMg31

still craving beer..

26 Name: Pierre : 2006-12-27 09:57 ID:EfmmMg31

Nr 24. :) i love those mama jokes. it's to bad for you, your mama is a living legend when it comes to "your mom jokes"

27 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-27 15:43 ID:WLMmcZxy

A 300+ layer croissant.

28 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-31 20:39 ID:Xre5X697

spicy chicken either deep fried or pan grilled

29 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-01-02 05:12 ID:lTTb5ILO


30 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-01-03 18:32 ID:JmxyLy07

Quizno's sub with tons of four chili pepper sauce

31 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-01-04 00:29 ID:vJo1oLDi

32 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-01-05 09:01 ID:2XZfgYQb

Japan #44

33 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-01-06 08:26 ID:6md+tODF

All of a sudden, I'm craving homemade cheeseball... maybe I'll make one tomorrow o_o

34 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-01-08 05:52 ID:Heaven

Chocolate mousse with sliced bananas.

...or pickled herring with eggs...

...or sushi (maki+nigiri) with a bowl of miso soup, and a small sweet bean paste filled bun as dessert...

...or a tasty sallad with seafood and crunchy bread/veggie bits in it...

...or cheeseless vegetarian pizza...

No, I'm not some pregnant chick... I just haven't had breakfast yet...

35 Name: Oily Skin : 2007-01-08 06:56 ID:EfmmMg31

A blowjob

36 Name: SOO-DA : 2007-01-08 07:26 ID:0E5l561u

Spicy beef soup ;O; or salmon

37 Name: TEENAGER : 2007-01-08 13:27 ID:d/2OC6xp

Pizza. Which is in the oven right now, but 20 minutes more!!!!

38 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-01-08 18:44 ID:Heaven

a singer

39 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-01-08 23:05 ID:+MbmDOWz

Fried rice.... I think I'll make some right now ~

40 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-01-09 09:38 ID:Z2swsZqL

A chocolate éclair with pastry cream made from real Madagascar vanilla bean.

41 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-01-10 13:25 ID:0E5l561u

I want umaibou ;O;

42 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-01-10 14:44 ID:0E5l561u


43 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-01-11 11:41 ID:A0kWNlfK

Oddly enough, anything by Chef Boyardee. Maybe some Spaghetti-os. Preferably the kind with the cheesy sauce, and maybe meatballs. I have no idea why I'm craving this, the stuff usually makes me sick. Maybe I'm pregnant (biologically impossible o_o)

44 Name: K : 2007-01-13 16:04 ID:nHADGcWB

my girlfriend
i miss her so much :)

45 Name: Cheap Shot : 2007-02-12 06:20 ID:Ow5GTala

Ginger Chicken, and Fried Rice... maybe a taco too..

46 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-02-12 13:51 ID:8WgcAioh

Chicken curry and rice. Extra spicy.

47 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-02-12 18:42 ID:bp6rjuz4

something sweet and ramen.

48 Name: hotaro : 2007-02-12 19:14 ID:jCLyoJyG

a big fat fucking pig!!!!!!!!so go fuck 1!!!!

49 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-02-13 10:29 ID:8Xcm3u7M

Veggie-soup with pasta and an egg.

50 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-02-13 15:29 ID:Heaven

Triple-chocolate mud-cake.

51 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-02-14 22:38 ID:nvwbRbl8

peaches and strawberries

52 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-02-15 14:46 ID:Rk8FHpvx

Barbeque pork ribs...mmmmm

53 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-02-17 05:45 ID:QrUahGqx

timmy chans wings and rice with gravy and a biscuit + hotsauce + strawberry soda + Hermione feeding our baby milk on her hip

54 Name: Nox Puss : 2007-02-18 16:20 ID:T2IauuDL

Squirty cream. Nothing but squirty cream, squirted straight into the mouth. Mmmm. Unhygenic, unhealthy heaven.

55 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-02-21 04:35 ID:Y0S+V+fZ

Bell peppers and beef. Served on a platter of hot steamed rice.

56 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-02-21 16:08 ID:0c4IlsNa

An apple or some spicey beef flavoured instant ramen....

57 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-02-22 09:14 ID:Z2swsZqL

A black plum, extra ripe and sweet.

58 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-02-22 16:01 ID:Heaven


59 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-10 04:18 ID:JfstP+aI

Vegetarian Middle Eastern stuff. Falafel, and pitas with hummus, and grape-leaf rolls, and that great sour lemon-y stuff that looks kind of like hummus, I forget what that's called. Man, I really wish we'd gone to the Lebanese restaurant tonight instead of doing Thai.

60 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-12 18:47 ID:Heaven

59 here. I was thinking of baba ghannouj, that's the sour lemon-y stuff. Luckily I satisfied my craving yesterday evening.

61 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-05-11 07:05 ID:98nI3JKW


62 Name: Travis Travis : 2007-05-11 08:12 ID:vvRm6eGZ

Smoked cheese.

63 Name: Shizuki-san : 2007-05-13 16:40 ID:v1oTDuiU

Creme Brulee...:]

64 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-05-13 17:51 ID:Heaven

And some kiwi/strawberry sorbet.

65 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-05-23 00:30 ID:ib2t9qkV

I'm starving right now, and udon sounds amazing right now.

...I think I'll make some.

66 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-05-23 00:57 ID:vGuj9BMQ

crepe...particularly vanila ice cream crepe

67 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-05-23 13:25 ID:Heaven

Shrimp-tomato pasta sauce with pasta and a nice salad.

68 Post deleted by moderator.

69 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-05-26 14:04 ID:cinJ1bU7

something with olive oil and garlic

70 Post deleted by moderator.

71 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-05-27 21:29 ID:8Xcm3u7M

72 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-05-29 00:56 ID:vGuj9BMQ

for some reason I feel like eating KFC

73 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-05-29 09:44 ID:8Xcm3u7M

Unsweet, dense chocolate cake.

74 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-05-29 09:49 ID:8Xcm3u7M

On second thought.. i guess chocolate bread would be a more accurate description.
I wonder if that exists..

75 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-05-29 13:53 ID:CcFai0WW

You are black, right?

76 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-05-29 18:37 ID:Heaven

Who cares.

I want a strawberry daiquiri.

77 Post deleted by moderator.

78 Name: Blackanese : 2007-05-29 21:18 ID:tyAuWE+K

im blackanese...

mmmm honeybarbque strips... -drools-

79 Post deleted by moderator.

80 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-05-31 19:28 ID:5vGrsvP1

Steak. I've never had any.

81 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-05-31 20:26 ID:WLMmcZxy

Marble cake is kind of bread-like. The closest proper bread I know of are chocolate laced breads like croissants or coronets. Which end is the head of a coronet anyway? |3

82 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-01 02:50 ID:XQKVDUnV

Hash browns.

83 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-01 02:51 ID:XQKVDUnV

Hash browns.

84 Post deleted by moderator.

85 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-01 19:04 ID:Heaven

Cool :-D
Though I really did mean something along the line of bread, that just happened to contain chocolate. Sourdough chocolate bread sounds intriguing. If I never post again, you'll know what happened to me: I finally tried making it and died in or after the process.

86 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-02 00:52 ID:WLMmcZxy

If you survive, come back and regale us with your tale of tragedy or triumph.

87 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-02 09:14 ID:Heaven

Turkey salad with lettuce, tomato and corn, among other things.

88 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-06 03:27 ID:vvRm6eGZ

The thin end, because it looks like a seashell. Now what I really want to know is, who the hell thinks a seashell has a head in the first place?

89 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-07 04:05 ID:mqtJATWj

spam musubi and jamba juice

90 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-10 14:50 ID:3d1hLx7Z


91 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-10 21:03 ID:Heaven

>>90 seconded.
Sushi and some white miso soup.

92 Post deleted by moderator.

93 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-12 18:32 ID:Heaven

I crave a small plate of chilled, bitesized bits of honeydew melons with a spoon of of bourbon vanilla ice cream on top.
It's too bloody warm, here.

All are welcome here. Craving some sushi once a while doesn't make someone weeaboo. It's if they insist that the only good food is Japanese that they are.

94 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-16 07:33 ID:98nI3JKW


95 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-16 08:39 ID:4bQ5pgpm

naked girl.

96 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-16 14:58 ID:Heaven

Some high quality vodka.

97 Name: Casper : 2007-06-25 10:13 ID:eyiiQ5sX

I'm craving...Strawberries dipped in Jet puff marshmallow cream mixed with cream cheese 8D <3 mmm tasty. Looks like i'm gonan have to go grocery shopping...like...now.

98 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-10 09:18 ID:98nI3JKW

love :(

99 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-10 16:44 ID:JfQXB0V9

A lot of stuff. I crave raw salmon, be it sashimi, or lox. I also want ice cream...

not together though. Hmmm...there probably is salmon flavored ice cream in Japan though...

100 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-16 20:43 ID:8Xcm3u7M

1) A wide assorment of sushis
2) Various breads.

Watching Yakitate Japan and Shota no Sushi leaves you with frustrating cravings.

101 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-20 02:22 ID:LJvNwO5v


Second to sushi! kimbap would do fine too...

I think Im craving for Korean food now... mmm

102 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-20 10:32 ID:l+9hJZTu

Melon pan. 7 Eleven's jumbo sized dark melon pan, to be precise.

103 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-21 07:11 ID:98nI3JKW

onion rings

104 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-21 07:41 ID:hTyYjhs8

anything that is good. i am about 300 pounds right now, and by dieting, i hope to achieve 150 by the end of the year.

105 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-23 03:34 ID:Fny4pWB0

Fat-free vanilla soft frozen yogurt, oddly enough. I prefer the texture to the "normal" soft-serve ice cream and at least the brand this one restaurant near me has, has a fuller and richer vanilla flavor than any "normal" soft-serve vanilla ice cream I've ever tasted.

I wish I knew what brand it was.

106 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-28 04:52 ID:dFUveYRZ

Anything. I am fucking starving.

107 Name: anonymous : 2007-08-02 01:28 ID:k4y749dJ

cheese frys

108 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-03 06:21 ID:DlcVHyeW


The only shop I knew which sold it stopped selling it around the time when Lucky Star started. Now they sell chocolate horns, go figure. I bet the assholes started selling melonpan when Shakugan no Shana started. If my theory is correct, then in a few months they might start selling it again, and it will mean that the shop really is owned by an otaku.

109 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-08 05:17 ID:lUwG/4U3

Well, I want a mille-feuille or any other cake with strawberry in it...

110 Post deleted by moderator.

111 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-13 21:33 ID:cKKDLbBq

White Chocolate.
Butter Popcorn.
Diet Coke.

if only i had the money.

112 Name: TS : 2007-08-21 02:55 ID:N8tj3JGl

baked scallop sushi. hell, all sushi.
chinese chicken salad
one of those serve yourself mongolian bowls
sriracha sauce

113 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-21 22:17 ID:dMoTT+B9

Muscat flavored.

114 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-28 16:24 ID:kB6l2d7D


115 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-09-01 22:11 ID:HddykJVK

A tasty bread roll.

116 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-09-06 15:29 ID:kB6l2d7D

a stiff drink

117 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-09-06 21:34 ID:4pcsR9LY

GOOD pizza none of this chain shit or horrible new owners at a new pizza place which fucked up the old good one

118 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-09-09 11:22 ID:g8C/HJvB


119 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-09-10 13:56 ID:Heaven

For instance, a pizza which is surrounded by hotdogs and with hamburger patties in the centre? Mmmmmmmmm... drools

120 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-09-11 06:14 ID:kB6l2d7D

shrimp! or whatever that is in the banner up top

121 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-09-17 23:11 ID:M2mXQujm

Meat. any meat. i is a carnivore

122 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-09-18 03:14 ID:Z4D7K7W8

Looks like about $250 plus a $5 hamburger afterwards to finish the job of satisfying your hungry belly.

123 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-09-20 06:21 ID:s8KeUluF


124 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-10-16 10:34 ID:Lkas2Akj

hai-chew. salt-water taffy. mmm...

125 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-10-17 15:41 ID:w7UDJrvt

coffee... the one i make for myself, super-strong-turkish thing that burns the cup it's in... gah... coffee

126 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-10-22 19:16 ID:HwW3tOso


127 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-10-22 20:12 ID:XfIRJ8lG

Sukiya's curry gyuudon. Damn, I miss being in Japan...

128 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-11-02 14:25 ID:iAYPBKUn

fish burger >_<

129 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-11-05 08:57 ID:Wzk4NIwM

the freshest sushi or sashimi, i dont care if im a weeaboo, i wanted to eat them nowwwwww

130 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-11-07 01:35 ID:Ps2FeMEL


131 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-11-11 02:07 ID:thPuQ/iy

Harvey's Double Bacon Cheeseburger.

132 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-11-13 00:08 ID:gyrDtvJU

Pickles ('A`)

133 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-11-13 17:19 ID:bm2hIWw/

Vodka -_-

134 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-11-17 22:31 ID:gX0QqLFX

cashew nuts, prawn crackers, chocolate
southern comfort+lemonade

135 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-11-22 00:37 ID:vo9GWzyf

Salty Licorice! I crave it!

It's very scandinavian to crave salty licorice, I think.

136 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-11-28 21:59 ID:RiBZyNar

Orange Chicken from Panda Express

137 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-02 00:23 ID:ioFY99qf

Toast with Strawberry cream cheese spread. and tall triple expresso with a double shot of french vanilla....

138 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-02 20:20 ID:7Mut+46H


139 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-09 22:31 ID:i9KJ224V

sliced banana

140 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-10 09:23 ID:kB6l2d7D

YES steak

and ice cream

141 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-10 12:16 ID:QzrCkg5x

Pop Tarts and Chex Party Mix

142 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-15 04:54 ID:LCh1NMbN

Reeses pieces (the m&m kind)

143 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-20 18:35 ID:kB6l2d7D


144 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-20 18:35 ID:kB6l2d7D

dammit, i just realized mcdonalds breakfast just ended :(

145 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-21 05:39 ID:8yNyJtHj

Jonagold apple, or a cameo would do. Or heck, a stayman, braeburn, or fuji. Just about any apple with flavor would suffice.

146 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-21 06:27 ID:Z093w0vz

Ginger beer. Really good stuff. With bits of ginger floaties in it.

147 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-21 15:32 ID:cZrjZwKV

Ugh. I'm at the point when I'm so hungry that I feel a little sick. but if I wait it'll pass. I want Chinese buffet~ Shrimp, crab legs, yeast rolls, sweat and sour chicken. The works

148 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-22 20:27 ID:8BPqx1U9

a good sirloin steak......
or a pizza, damn i'm so hungry

149 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-22 22:48 ID:Wzk4NIwM

whole chicken of extra hot nando's, with extra large chips. pizza might be nice...

150 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-25 07:15 ID:kB6l2d7D


151 Name: Waffles : 2007-12-26 05:48 ID:TUPdbAU4

I feel like chili cheese Fritos...-w-

152 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-26 10:07 ID:JExuVjNt

I feel like eating anything EXCEPT Christmas ham and pudding.

153 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-01-02 01:02 ID:kB6l2d7D

gummy bears

154 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-01-04 22:53 ID:Z093w0vz

Caesar Salad.

155 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-01-06 05:21 ID:IL40Jf6p

Pickled radish...
We have some downstairs, but I don't want to eat it all now... We don't get a chance to go to the store that carries it very often (it's 45 minutes away), so it's a rarity!

156 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-01-06 21:42 ID:8BPqx1U9

a pizza.
any, except fruit ones (like hawaii)

157 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-01-18 10:53 ID:SOc3hbea

pizza as well

158 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-01-22 22:39 ID:Z093w0vz

Pizza with chicken and cranberry.

159 Name: Oreo : 2008-01-24 23:44 ID:fOJchrc9

Oreo ice cream

160 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-01-25 04:09 ID:tCGYZ9M3

Colby Jack cheese.

161 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-01-28 20:16 ID:SOc3hbea

OH i wan cheese too

162 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-02-27 18:50 ID:s2XOTU9V

A bacon cheeseburger sounds good right about now.

163 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-03-06 15:26 ID:J+uhRYRY

Hawaiian pan pizza, duck spring rolls, duck with pancakes, KFC chicken, Bacon cheeseburger too.
But I'm a vegetarian now so...

164 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-03-07 14:19 ID:Heaven

If you're still craving meat then you're not a real vegetarian, you're just a pretend vegetarian.

165 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-03-08 22:08 ID:pqukbddr

there are vegetarians that can´t eat meat because of health problems. but maybe he/she isn´t a real vegetarian, maybe just fasting.

166 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-03-11 21:02 ID:PLl9S0Ao

no true scotsman; get out.

the american sort of munster cheese

167 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-03-12 16:06 ID:CHTH6B1p

Toasted bagel + cream cheese

168 Name: H.K. : 2008-03-12 23:24 ID:KPXKAjpl

>>167 just had one lol

I wish I had more Neo Guri ;-;

169 Name: Chou : 2008-03-13 00:13 ID:RRvB4sxi

I have a bagel w/ cream cheese every day

Some nice high quality chocolate ice cream

170 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-03-16 16:28 ID:8ulf/OkG

paste of sea urchin eggs

171 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-03-30 17:46 ID:SOc3hbea

i want ice cream T_T

172 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-03-31 10:01 ID:8ulf/OkG

pizza topped with fried potatoes and spinach

173 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-03-31 20:30 ID:MUQkYBG4

Let's see. A full course meal. My tastes are really ritzy.

-Tomato bisque with bay shrimp.
-Vitello Tonatto (Veal with tuna sauce.)
-Fresh iced oysters.
-Warm spinach salad.
-Beef tenderloin with capered cabernet sauce, truffled mashed potatoes, potato-crusted onaga fish. As well as some kale and fries with truffle aioli on the side.

174 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-04-01 16:03 ID:s2XOTU9V

I want something soft, white, and unyuu

175 Name: Trivia idiot : 2008-04-02 13:12 ID:Heaven

Mame daifuku?

176 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-04-10 08:16 ID:SOc3hbea

crab and/or lobster

177 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-04-11 22:48 ID:NG+ZusNS

Soy burger

178 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-04-16 13:06 ID:Zh5aICa4

pizza =]

179 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-04-25 08:16 ID:SOc3hbea


180 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-04-29 19:42 ID:N44QJj/D

Rice with furikake.

181 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-04-30 10:26 ID:r4bdyPnZ

nothing, i just ate

well, maybe a donut

182 Name: sage : 2008-05-01 08:26 ID:nSOiLrid

omg like this thread was started in 2006.

183 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-05-06 19:00 ID:A0LDeyGZ

rye chips, like you find in chexmix

184 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-05-09 16:58 ID:Heaven

I am eating spicy ramen right now. God, it's hot. x_x

I'm craving soda.

185 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-05-09 18:02 ID:2Z1c+x/3


186 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-05-10 09:49 ID:o7jQYr4X

>>184 has made me crave spicy ramen -____- Oooh...

But before that, I was thinking about alcoholic lemonade.

187 Name: ure-kun : 2008-05-13 12:47 ID:XwkA9gTK

cock :o

188 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-05-15 09:19 ID:IrZWQ2rA

kimchi and gyoza.
with a ice cold beer.

im so hungry right now...

189 Name: Kohei : 2008-05-15 14:03 ID:mD8qPaum

I haven't had any pepper steak in awhile...

190 Name: Bill Murray!GlFfM97Rjs : 2008-05-18 19:30 ID:+0orr1j9

Shut up sage.

191 Name: angel10985 : 2008-05-23 02:40 ID:rNn5HKw5

im craving for mango float!! waaa

192 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-05-24 14:20 ID:kYzqWdQH


193 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-06-02 23:36 ID:eyiiQ5sX

Anpan. holy shit.

194 Name: Obina : 2008-06-04 22:49 ID:ax/FFVqD


195 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-06-05 13:20 ID:r4bdyPnZ


196 Name: Mihae : 2008-06-08 05:59 ID:9AWWtudb

Hrmmm craving... craving... potato stew. xD

197 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-06-13 17:29 ID:YmeCy+Lx

Oatmeal with cinnamon.

198 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-06-13 22:43 ID:wGPo+pB0


199 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-06-14 12:22 ID:te1YhkbU

strawberry yogurt.

200 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-06-16 20:13 ID:Heaven

Duck spring rolls, nachos with melted cheese and salsa, grape soda

201 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-06-21 11:43 ID:3SNEDbNU

Most of the things we can find in an American fast-food but which we don't have in Canada: Sonic's, White Castle, Olive Garden...

202 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-06-27 15:34 ID:F1N/zhE3

ribeye steak!

203 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-06-27 16:14 ID:hhz4eGnp

oh man you've made me more hungry!

204 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-06-27 18:33 ID:92t0XLuK


olive garden is not fast food....

205 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-06-27 19:19 ID:CoqX08Ck

Eat babies?? =_____________=. (At same time turns me on too he~he~he~, wait.....isn't u post on da wrong thread????!!!)

I wan Beef steak.....

206 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-07-08 23:16 ID:M3uCQqUd

A full breakfast.

207 Name: lil_snow.angel : 2008-07-09 07:30 ID:sn/37nDy

i want a slice of passionfruit cheesecake n a ice chocolate-chip moccha espresso wif whipped cream on top!!!

208 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-07-10 10:59 ID:fiiWVsmW

DOUBLE chocolate fudge cake. with EXTRA cream.
I can only dream...

209 Name: lil_snow.angel : 2008-07-11 06:26 ID:sn/37nDy

lol that rhymes! ^^

210 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-07-16 23:35 ID:bO1HBuFF

I wan roasted lamb with cheese!! :(

211 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-07-17 06:57 ID:4wxWRpbz

tempura and something sweet like mint icecream

212 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-07-17 20:59 ID:5xwqJqkR


213 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-07-19 22:01 ID:Heaven


214 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-07-19 23:50 ID:5xwqJqkR

Huh???? U crazy!!! U wanna get killed????That thing is poisonous!!

215 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-07-19 23:50 ID:5xwqJqkR

Spanish Paella.....=.=....

216 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-07-22 23:20 ID:Heaven

spicy twisty fries, fried crab claws, sushi, English breakfast, Ostrich with Satay sauce. >_<

217 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-07-24 08:43 ID:Ty3AcXKu

Chicken Chop with extra gravy

218 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-07-24 19:37 ID:xOWsfS78

Tuna-fish Sandwich

219 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-08-21 07:20 ID:F1N/zhE3

instant noodles

220 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-08-22 00:26 ID:vxW1D7un

Turkey sandwich and a cherry coke (heavy on the syrup, not that you're really drinking much else once you reach the bottom)

221 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-08-28 09:04 ID:Kh7nixgK

Haggis sandwich

222 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-08-28 12:16 ID:uEgso545


223 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-08-30 12:08 ID:7n/Neyru


224 Name: Lucas-kun : 2008-08-30 18:55 ID:F8ODqKZj

That doesn't sound very tasty at all.

I'd like some motherfucking Pizza Hut.

225 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-08-31 13:38 ID:lHaSbb+N

I once ate a tomato/cheese/weed sandwich. It it was very tasty. Surprisingly tasty, actually. Makes a sort of basilic.

226 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-08-31 18:02 ID:dLpDza+E

Anything. I am so hungry. :(

227 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-09-24 03:45 ID:R6XJ50GY

Menudo and a cubano. Maybe some ropa viejo.

228 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-09-27 21:07 ID:d7sJkuTw

Spagetti oooooooooooor something sweet like bread with Dulce de leche.

229 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-09-28 13:38 ID:N5sRsyRp

Salmon, milk and honey.

230 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-10-01 18:49 ID:R6XJ50GY

Toast with Nutella.

231 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-10-01 19:12 ID:F1N/zhE3

cream of mushroom soup

232 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-10-01 19:49 ID:Heaven

Tater-tot hot dish.

233 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-10-04 19:35 ID:8433iv63

Banana flavoured chocolate.

234 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-10-05 19:24 ID:Heaven


"You got your chocolate on my banana!"
"You stuck your banana in my chocolate!"


235 Name: DomiRican : 2008-10-16 18:15 ID:9oPq6ZRk

steak n eggs, waffels, chocolate syrup, hot chocolet

236 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-10-30 19:24 ID:2EOGP5PI


237 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-11-05 00:07 ID:YF9R/Gxx

Love in a syrupy form.

238 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-11-06 20:07 ID:JvscyUgE

Carolina Style Pork BBQ sandwitch with coleslaw on it and extra deliciuos vinigar based BBQ sauce

239 Name: Bork bork bork : 2008-11-06 22:07 ID:VAxZ75EJ

Hot dogs!

240 Name: Hungry dude : 2008-11-08 10:57 ID:+SehLbtu

I'm hungry for some stuffed crust pizza at pizza hut. so fattening though

241 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-11-11 17:01 ID:N9jHS488

Some really delicious hot wings, with good blue cheese dressing and mozzarella sticks, and a Mountain Dew.

242 Name: AnonymousMan7 : 2008-11-18 02:46 ID:glCnzlu8

green tea and some pocky

243 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-18 10:22 ID:gpJofjiP

Miso ramen and melon bread... drools

244 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-11-19 02:58 ID:goAhYlg1


245 Name: moon : 2008-11-19 09:44 ID:qVBIxXN8

I just had curry with rice.
Now I want a cup of hot coffee,as it's very cold today.

246 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-11-20 01:02 ID:3nAaDdCQ

instant noodles

247 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-12-02 23:41 ID:Heaven


248 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-12-16 06:05 ID:siI6O5Os

Salt crystals. I'm eating some right now, as a matter of fact. :3

249 Name: Bork bork bork : 2008-12-16 23:47 ID:TpBUxP/T

Melon bread. And a glass of OJ, extra pulp, cold.

250 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-12-22 22:20 ID:R6XJ50GY

Melon bread stuffed with pork and dipped in salt crystals.

251 Name: zerdzer : 2008-12-23 23:46 ID:injg5CrP

I want this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VMi7SfekFs

Only slightly breaking five freakin' dollars.


252 Name: :D : 2008-12-26 18:26 ID:9NsHzRia

a gingerbread cookie

253 Name: :D : 2008-12-26 18:29 ID:9NsHzRia


okay, after seeing that i'm not hungry any more :S

254 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-12-30 04:34 ID:Tg7cf4EL

I want to make roast pork braised in a strong spicy mirepoix based stock with carrots, onions, and celery, and roasted slowly in the oven with carrots and celery.

255 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-12-31 08:59 ID:1yDM7Snh

that sounds good :(

256 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-01-01 14:45 ID:Tg7cf4EL

I decided to make it last night. It was. :)

257 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-01-02 14:28 ID:R6XJ50GY


you can't afford pig flesh

258 Name: Kei90 : 2009-01-04 08:49 ID:WBUD3bvB

A mocca filling bread. Hmm... quite good.
Nut I want to eat sushi...

259 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-01-07 19:26 ID:5wTAwyFJ


260 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-01-12 05:48 ID:ti6KWJ0S

Appetizer : Vitello tonatto (Veal with tuna sauce)

As a main course: Beef tenderloin in a cabernet sauce with capers, potato-crusted onaga fish, and pommes frites with a truffle aioli.

Alternatively, beef bourguignon.

261 Name: shuukyou_gakusei : 2009-01-17 23:55 ID:RCnw9ONa

I want to try the wasabi ramune.

262 Name: Moosie : 2009-01-18 17:37 ID:gteRWav5

Spaghetti Bolognese

263 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-07-29 17:09 ID:J5Xa/RHR


264 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-07-30 19:03 ID:EN6+YZQy


Bor-ring! How about spinach tortellini and broccoli in garlic alfredo sauce...

265 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-07-31 23:45 ID:Heaven


266 Name: Silent_Owl_<(OvO)>_ : 2009-08-04 23:11 ID:tGbF4cMc

japanese pancakes

267 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-08-06 02:07 ID:fBMqYls1

absolutely nothing.

268 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-08-06 10:26 ID:bai5i/y4

more alcohol

269 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-08-11 13:32 ID:iwFBnR2G


270 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-10-13 08:02 ID:J5Xa/RHR

instant noodles

271 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-12-02 23:06 ID:bkjhvoOo

Steamed broccoli. I have the broccoli, I just need to clean the steamer. Boiled potatoes would be good too.

272 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2010-02-08 02:22 ID:aUQZDSHU

You could steam the potatoes and the broccoli at the same time.

I suppose potatoes need to cook longer than broccoli does. Add the broccoli just as the potatoes are ready, I suppose?

273 Name: 徐-서 : 2010-02-09 23:16 ID:uEZuzUS+

Shanghai Mini Pork Buns

Mmmm~ how I desire for them every waking moment of the day. The taste is so excellent!

(But since they're expensive, my second choice would be:)
Tempura! ^ㅂ^

274 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2010-02-15 02:58 ID:HYh1NMHC

Green Chili

275 Name: AnonymousMan7 : 2010-03-09 07:13 ID:Heaven


276 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2010-03-09 23:06 ID:c4KelrnI


277 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2010-03-13 17:47 ID:6bguCdtD

I never crave food, I feel as if I am missing out.

278 Name: Otakun : 2010-03-15 04:17 ID:pLTjnx4c


279 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2010-03-28 11:25 ID:hVzgmTug

2 large poached eggs on delicious vogals type toast with butter.
A large helping of premium bacon, fried near crisp.
Fried mushrooms and tomato with a little cheese.
A few breakfast sausages.
A large hash brown
Baked beans.
Tomato sauce on the side.

Large stack of pancakes on the side with maple syrup and butter/cream.

Large mug of good coffee.

280 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2010-03-30 02:08 ID:/uiE3wjg

you sir, are Paul Bunyan

281 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2010-05-08 00:09 ID:aUQZDSHU

Wasn't it Robert Heinlein who said in some of his books that breakfast is the most important meal of the day--because a Man of Action never knows when he may have the next opportunity to sit down and eat decent food--so you should eat as much as possible to "fuel up the machine?"

I know if I tried to eat that much at once for breakfast, I'd end up going back to bed and sleeping the rest of the day. ~_~;

282 Name: Lady Gaga : 2012-03-18 19:34 ID:hqx//4F6

I'm craving little monster.

283 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2015-07-16 23:51 ID:/385J0rZ


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