Visual novels or dating sims (104)

52 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-05-18 16:20 ID:Heaven

Yeah. Just about all the professional eroge translations are games that'll further the stereotype the genre has in the west. I mean, there are games that are a really nice story with ero tacked on, then there are porn scenes with a story tacked on. Then there's just total shit random games that are terrible either way you look at it.

Of course, this is largely up to the original developers though. I'm sure they'd rather be tl'ing a popular series here, like Fate/stay night or (soon) AIR... Even utaware. Something with a licensed anime so that people have -some- kind of exposure to it. Better than TLing random games in their eyes too, as far as cash flow goes...

Mmm, I do disagree with a lot of things Haeleth did, like retracting the patch entirely. You can easily retract the patch on your site but still let fans enjoy it by just kind of forgetting about the fact it's up on 1,000 different sites as well.
I also disagree with the fact he didn't announce his decision to cease work earlier, but eh, stuff happens.

I still don't find it justifiable to start calling him a fag and hating him + everything around him for it though. What bothers me is, I'm sure the same people that just did that are going to go play and enjoy his narci 2 translation whenever that comes around. Just my two cents.

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