ITT we talk about sex ed in public school (49)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 21:10 ID:VGF3e2vX

I have lived in Georgia for most of my life. Not a place too endorsing of sexuality. In middle school during mandatory health class (we had to take at least once a year) there was a two-week period of Sex Ed class. 90% of the class was vaguely worded abstinence crap and threats of STD's. I clearly remember one kid asking about masturbation (something pretty inoccuous, like "Is it harmful?" or something) and the teacher told him he wouldn't talk about "that".

I had to take that class twice. During the second time I repeatedly guessed out loud what the teacher was going to say and he started to get really pissed. He said "If y'all know so much, what's the placenta?" Now that I have a basic grasp of human anatomy I can clearly say that the placenta has nothing to do with sex and that that teacher was a total jackass. Unfortunate I couldn't have showed him up right there and then.

When my little brother took sex ed in 8th grade, he was in some obviously Christian program that was later found to be unconstitutional. He came home one day with a saccharinely Christian diploma or something saying "I have vowed to be ABSTINENT UNTIL MARRIAGE BECAUSE I HAVE SELF-ESTEEM!!" My mom got pissed and told us that no one should be abstinent until marriage because you could end up with someone sexually incompatible. Good advice IMO.

Anyone have interesting stories about experiences in Sex Education classes?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 21:39 ID:1d7Laadf

It's funny how the government/our leaders/etc. still refuse to talk about sex openly. I think those anti-drug commercials that say "If you don't talk to your child about drugs, how will he know what to do?" are true about sex as well. Parents won't talk to their kids about sex, so all the kids have to go on is the totally immoral shit they see on TV/hear in music.

I forget who it was exactly, maybe the surgeon general? Some high-office lady was fired/forced out of her position because she said masturbation can actually be good for you. Even though it's true, the Bible disagrees so you know (or to be less assumptuous, all the old people in the government are too stuck on their out-of-date morals).

3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-22 22:52 ID:Rz5fHErh

roflcopter, here, we practice abstinence too of course....but then, they told us, if we "absolutely had to have sex", then do it right and keep it safe. They gave us the motto. "Fire in the fireplace is safe and beautiful." hahahaha awwww man, still cracks me up to this day.....

4 Name: Shii : 2006-04-23 02:21 ID:Qyscb+Fd

I want to know why nobody advocates teen sex. It's a typical face-off between the Republicans taking the radical "our way or the highway" stance and actually making laws get passed, and the Democrats being all wussy and saying "welllll I guess I agree with you that sex is evil and a sin, but kids should have the right to education anyway." And then they wonder why their kids are such insecure geeks.

I'm going to call my political organization "Promiscuity Now!". We'll fight for free condoms in schools, not "just in case", but because we want to see free love practiced in the halls. Yeah, we're gonna be taking names and kicking ass.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-23 18:22 ID:tvT2V4si

>>4 pedo pedo lol

6 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-23 18:40 ID:lPgCJY9o

Sex is the plague of human interaction. Introducing it at an earlier age sets people up for failure and misery sooner.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-24 04:37 ID:Heaven

lol whut

8 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-24 17:45 ID:Heaven

cheer up, emo kid

9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-26 20:32 ID:0fNCOXrP


I advocate teen sex, but only with me.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-26 23:58 ID:IPrOKvfD

I remember attending a sex ed program in fifth grade, though all we did was watch a film. Girls and boys were 'taught' seperately.

The only thing I remember is some 85 year-old guy saying "Sex is precious!"

11 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-27 00:59 ID:jOYGARn9

our school system never taught sex ed, they were worried that they would get flak from either side. they expected our parents to teach us about it, but my parents are too shy to talk to me about it. i decided to research it on my own and so began my wonderful addiction to internet porn.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-27 02:40 ID:VGF3e2vX

13 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-27 04:46 ID:Heaven


I had a similar experiance in fifth grade. The boy's film mostly talked about things like wet dreams and (lack of) foreskins. IIRC it was produced by Disney.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-29 00:33 ID:Heaven

lol, I now have an image of Mickey talking about STD's.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-05 01:35 ID:Heaven


16 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-21 19:38 ID:/KxjWXTc

Bleh, lucky bastards. Where I live (Texas), Sex Ed isn't allowed in schools, period.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-21 20:44 ID:Heaven

Steers and queers, son.

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20 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-22 21:17 ID:qJja48JU

Sex ed in school is just so stupid. It is just a generally unconfortable class with half the class cracking jokes and us 'learning' stuff we knew already.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-22 23:55 ID:YZfwQbLH

I'd think most of us got our sex ed outside of school. And it's not necessarily bad either.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-20 00:42 ID:i14Swa39


23 Name: Einhander!anzteOw4H6 : 2006-07-20 00:47 ID:d4jVZY4n

Well, you know. /Texas./

24 Name: Einhander!anzteOw4H6 : 2006-07-20 00:48 ID:Heaven

I swear to God, I thought that was how you did italics. Oh well.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-20 01:16 ID:Heaven

>>24 wakaba uses stars *for italics* and double stars **for bold**

26 Name: onfused : 2006-07-20 04:21 ID:2b5Rn9gx

"ABSTINENT UNTIL MARRIAGE BECAUSE I HAVE SELF-ESTEEM!!" My mom got pissed and told us that no one should be abstinent until marriage because you could end up with someone sexually incompatible. Good advice IMO"

Is that really true? My parents tell me the exact opposite and you could acquire STDs like that. (~.~)

27 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-20 06:02 ID:tmsxkYWX

That's the second time I heard that bull.

"You should have sex before marriage because you might end up sexually incompatible, otherwise!"

heh, I don't plan on sex until marriage, and it's not nessasrily a morale thing, either.

I just believe you shouldn't even try it, unless you're sure the person you're doing it with is the one, as it's the highest form of intimacy there is. And you can't really say the person is "The One" until you're willing to marry them.

(Note: this is just what I believe, though. Some people do it for fun all the time, which is fine for them.)

Sexually incompatible? Heh, like sex is the most important thing in a relationship. "Oh no, you're sexually incompatible, I'm not marrying you anymore."

28 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-21 01:53 ID:Heaven


Condoms and common sense, motherfucka! DO YOU USE THEM?!

29 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-21 02:36 ID:qL0/iRoY

>>27 sex is a very important thing in the relationship. One of the reasons that people cheat on the other is because they are sexually incompatible with each other.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-21 02:46 ID:05dX51Q4


That is pure bullshit. "Oh I am not satisfied at home blah blah blah" Seriously you can fix that by telling your SO that you have a problem in the bed and you want to fix it. Usually people cheat because they are not mature enough to have a relationship with another person.

31 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-21 06:45 ID:nKzpQiU9


Cheating has nothing to do with maturity and everything to do with evolutionary psychology. Men by nature seek to expose their genes to as many different hosts as possible; at the same time, he chooses a superior single mate that will have multiple (or surely one) children. Therefore, he will have children benefiting from genetic variety as well as the choicest traits of his primary mate (eventually). Abstaining from this impulse is a difficult task, especially if sexual incompatibility is involved. Imagine not masturbating (or having sex for the more fortunate among us) for a week or two. Now think about not masturbating for months on end, maybe just on your birthday. And yet daily you are bombarded with porn, tempting you, never relenting. It's not surprising to me that so many people end up cheating.

On the first point, I don't think many people would be incredibly receptive of their wives saying they suck in bed, or husbands that their wives are not serving them enough. If they manage to work it out, great for them, but it isn't just a matter of frequency, duration, or simple matters like that. Physical attraction is a vital part of a relationship. In our day it is often overlooked or even oversimplified as men liking only big boobs and women only liking Abercrombie and Fitch models. What a given person is attracted to varies; I for example like fair-skinned girls with long brown hair. You may like suntanned blondes from Miami, or perky Asian girls from Roppongi. In addition to a preference, which is typically inherited from parents as well as your culture and upbringing, most people (men mostly) also have a taste for variety, a love of something different that sets you off. Maybe you love Asians, but one day you meet a fine black chick at the mall and head to her house for the night. The point is that those attractions are there to motivate you to have sex. That's the simple way it goes. It's true you can be attracted by another's personality, intelligence, etc., but unless you do sleep around a little you may never find out what gets your motor running long and hard or what is merely a passing fancy.


>I just believe you shouldn't even try it, unless you're sure the person you're doing it with is the one, as it's the highest form of intimacy there is. And you can't really say the person is "The One" until you're willing to marry them.

Sex is the highest form of intimacy? How about sharing your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams and secrets with the person you truly love? Isn't that infinitely more intimate than copulating like monkeys? Seriously, sex is used for bonding between social animals, from bonobos to penguins, conditioning us just like Pavlov's dogs when his wife visited. But we're more than just simple animals; we also have minds that make us as much or more of who we are than our base instincts. We can do infinitely better that just sex. Even though sex is a key part of a durable relationship, a fulfilling relationship also includes so much else, like sharing experiences.

32 Name: 30 : 2006-07-21 07:45 ID:05dX51Q4


Cheating on someone is breaking a promise, if was your spouse or just a SO. When you entered that relationship you promised that you will only be with each other. If one decides to cheat on the other that is breaking that promise and in my opinion is grounds for breaking that relationship. Maturity is basically abstaining from impulses to the best of your ability and using reason to guide your life not instict. Children are not mature because they use more impulses than reason. And most people are never mature even when they are 80 years old because maturity is not dependent on age but intelligence capacity and responsibility.

And if there is a problem in the bed you address it like any other problem. Your brother has a drinking problem? Oh lets just do nothing about it, it will solve itself. Any problem should be addressed directly. And if you are fetishes for Asians or Big butts, then find yourself a women with those charateristics. And when you want to explore the buffet, don't because you already have a plate full and you can go back when you have finished that meal first. Attraction is the initially pulls you in, like the lights of a casino, but it is the personality that keeps you there.

In humans, sex is the highest form of intimacy. When a human has an orgasm the body releases a hormone, oxytocin. This the same hormone release at child birth and during breast feeding. Now you cannot deny the bond between a mother and her child. For now the best we can do is sex for intimacy. It is a physical bonding between to people, and until we can go into each others sex is love.

33 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-21 08:32 ID:M/xBLHzS

Sex ed in schools? In my school there was only ONE sex ed lesson in 8th grade.
Where I live, you only can learn about sex from TV, books and the Internet. Probably they think that if they don't do sex ed, then adolescents won't start sex too soon. Well that's bullshit.
Interest in sex is awaken by hormones and instincts, NOT the knowledge about sex. And if adolescents can only learn about sex from the TV, they'll have a false imagination on it. That's why people often start sex too early and not because the sex ed.
In fact if they'd know about STDs and safe sex sooner, they'd probably wait with sex until they find the right partner and don't do it just because they're curious.

As for myself, I bought books and fortunately my mother is liberal about sex, so I could ask her about anything.
Yet I'm here with my 23 years and still being a virgin...

Abstinence until marriage doesn't make sense. If you love somebody deep from your heart, you want to give them the greatest pleasure you can. Waiting until marriage just makes the tension build up. Sex is important in a relationship, but it's not the meaning of life. And sexual incompatibility will often lead to cheating and/or divorce. And nobody suffers more from a divorce than the kid they have. So one should choose their mate very carefully and that involves compatibility in sex too. Anyway, marriage is not just a question of love.

34 Name: Text field too long. : 2006-07-21 09:59 ID:tmsxkYWX

lol, the current topic will go no whee with so many conflicting opinions

I knew other people might define it their own way and/or come up with excuses for it, which is why I said:

>(Note: this is just what I believe, though. Some people do it for fun all the time, which is fine for them.)


>Sex is the highest form of intimacy? How about sharing your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams and secrets with the person you truly love? Isn't that infinitely more intimate than copulating like monkeys?

Well... you can share all of that with you friends and whatnot... but do you share your body with your friends? Well, perhaps more than with strangers (heck I poke and friends and whatnot all the time) but sex, or even just, you no, hugging naked and whatnbot should be only to show that person that you gave yourself to them. (Again, my opinion)

>Seriously, sex is used for bonding between social animals, from bonobos to penguins, conditioning us just like Pavlov's dogs when his wife visited. But we're more than just simple animals; we also have minds that make us as much or more of who we are than our base instincts. We can do infinitely better that just sex. Even though sex is a key part of a durable relationship, a fulfilling relationship also includes so much else, like sharing experiences.

Same as the above, really. Don't you "Share experiences" you've had with your friends and family? The only way to "Share experiences" higher than that is to actually experience it together... which isn't limited to just sex. But sex is probably... no, is the closest you can get while sharing.

35 Name: Text field too long. : 2006-07-21 10:00 ID:tmsxkYWX


>Abstinence until marriage doesn't make sense. If you love somebody deep from your heart, you want to give them the greatest pleasure you can.

And yet you wouldn't marry them if you loved them that much?

>Waiting until marriage just makes the tension build up.

Well, if you read my post I said not necessarily after marriage, but at least willing to marry. Like... planning to.

(I wonder if you were talking about sexual tension there, lol)

>Sex is important in a relationship, but it's not the meaning of life.

I didn't say it was the meaning of life. I said (or rather, repeated what I often hear) that it was the highest form of intimacy between two (or more, lol) people. Therefore, the only way you can assume I called sex "the meaning of life" is if you think the meaning of life is to get to the highest form of intimacy with someone else... in which case, I feel sorry for you.

>And sexual incompatibility will often lead to cheating and/or divorce.

I need source information for this statement, from professional sources.

By the way, you said just said sex wasn't "the meaning of life" and, but then you implicate that it's necessary for relationships. I guess this means you're saying that relationships aren't necessarily that important either. In which case, I guess I agree with you. :p

>And nobody suffers more from a divorce than the kid they have.

Red Herringn, irrelevant emotional appeal.

Who here mentioned kids? 1. We would have to assume your prior statement was correct and that "sexual incompatibility" exists to even consider this one. 2. And also that "sexual incompatibility" is enough of a trouble that people have to divorce over it. 3. If that was the case, you don't have to have kids as soon as you have sex... and if you did, seems like "the kid they have" would have more porblems if you wern't married.

>So one should choose their mate very carefully and that involves compatibility in sex too.


..Just kidding there.

>Anyway, marriage is not just a question of love.

That's your opinion, but I understand you. I mean what if your parents forced you to marry some random woman you didn't like for business reasons? Or you just needed to quickly become a US citizen? I suppose you would need women on the side.

>(Note: this is just what I believe, though. Some people do it for fun all the time, which is fine for them.)

36 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-21 10:32 ID:M/xBLHzS

Heh, are you ridiculing me?

> And yet you wouldn't marry them if you loved them that much?

Like I said, marriage is not just a question of love. I mean even if you love somebody, you wouldn't rush to marry them righ away. You need to know them better, probably live with them for a couple of monts/years before you decide to live your whole life with them (which would be the ideal marriage).
The first true love - even if it lasts for years - isn't necessary the one you'll marry.

> I didn't say it was the meaning of life. I said (or rather, repeated what I often hear) that it was the highest form of intimacy between two (or more, lol) people.

Here, I agree with you. Sex is the maximum that you can give to your partner (as speaking of intimacy)


Hey, if you'd find a girl who you really love, wouldn't you want to sex with her? And if you're not on the same "wawelength" in sex, wouldn't you want to do something? It's better to leave a partner before marriange than marry someone and then divorce because you don't get along.
But I haven't experienced marriage so I'd never know. :P

I'm on the golden mean. I think "no sex before marriage" is obsolete but "living for just sex" and one-night relationships are bad too. I think one should have a few relationships/sex partners before they settle with one and marry them.

37 Name: Avenue of Silence : 2006-07-21 18:38 ID:Heaven

For people that really love each other, marriage is useless. Infact, marriage is an insult to love.

38 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-22 04:00 ID:Heaven


39 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-22 04:01 ID:Heaven

Err.. I don't really get how it's an insult, though. Please elaborate more on this.

40 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-23 02:09 ID:Heaven

what is love?

41 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-23 02:23 ID:Heaven

Forcing it with a contract?

42 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-23 04:35 ID:Heaven

fail. correct answer is baby don't hurt me, no more

43 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-25 18:43 ID:oaJ27q80

I still love that southpark episode about sex ed

44 Name: sage : 2006-07-25 19:36 ID:Heaven

You also fail!
The correct answer is: "Baby don't hur me, don't hurt me, no more."

45 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-25 20:27 ID:Heaven


46 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-26 01:59 ID:z4uAOrTW

I really lucked out with my sex ed class. They taught us everything we needed to know. They taught us about various different types of birth control, different types of STDs, as well as the anatomy of sex and birth. It was a really good program

47 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-26 19:45 ID:joj4Xypk

When I took health in high school there was a whole unit on STDs and protection and stuff (yes this was taught to me earlier but I only remember high school). Basically my teacher just said the information and told us the facts. He said "I'm just going to tell you the information, I'm not telling you what to do. If you choose have sex before marraige, go ahead and do so. If you choose not to, thats fine too." Sex ed should be like that.

48 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-13 03:45 ID:0D9iYtQg

It never ceses to amaze me how ignorant many people are about sex, the make up of genatalia, and how stds are spread. Sex ed, if taught at all, is taught too late in schools. By the time I had sex ed, I had a pregnant classmate. All elementry schools should have sex ed, so that it is taught BEFORE puberty. It SHOULD be the parents' jobs to teach about sex, but many aren't; so for those who's parents did it can just be an easy A. It doesn't need to push abstenence, nor that sex is good; it needs to be presented in a completly biological way, and should be a standard part of biology/science class. Vaginal trolls are the #2 cause of penis enjuries in young boys. We must educate them before it is too late.

49 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-14 01:26 ID:JA/oTJhz

It never ceses to amaze me how ignorant many people are about sex, the make up of genatalia, and how stds are spread. Sex ed, if taught at all, is taught too late in schools. By the time I had sex ed, I was moving with my auntie and uncle in Bel Air. I whistled for a cab, and when it came near, the license plate said "fresh" and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cat was rare, but I thought "Nah forget it, Yo home to Bel Air." I pulled up to the house about seven or eight,
and I yelled to the cabby "Yo homes, smell ya later." Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air."

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