Addictions (66)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-04 17:05 ID:duv+QtmM

What are your addictions?
Mine is Coca Cola (or Pepsi.) I drink too much of it.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-07 03:46 ID:GPeID12p

>>16 gun doesn't really cut it.


18 Post deleted by moderator.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-07 16:28 ID:5nphGnaX



20 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-07 19:22 ID:XDQk6gAI


21 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-07 19:26 ID:MajbHAfS


22 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-07 19:34 ID:PsSMfst7

4chan. And it's down. Noooo!

23 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-08 03:41 ID:Heaven

Nobody else is saying masturbation so I guess it was a given?

24 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-12 09:36 ID:Heaven

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25 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-06 19:22 ID:ib39H26p

I'm addicted to 4chan, the internet in general, and fapping. Thats about it, but they're heavy addictions.

26 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-06 19:56 ID:wlh4xVLQ

>>21 ftw

27 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-07 17:46 ID:EOxXwvRi

I'm addicted to 4chan, the internet in general, and fapping.

28 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-08 01:18 ID:ib39H26p


29 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-10 05:15 ID:RNB+2aWa

internet,jpop,and JAPAN

30 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-18 21:27 ID:da1Ck0Cq

Weightlifting, sex, masturbation.

31 Name: KYO IS SEXY : 2006-07-19 03:58 ID:AP6KdNfJ


32 Name: KYO HAS BAD TEETH : 2006-07-19 07:10 ID:fE/nLsOl

Dir en grey - Kodou

33 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-19 19:04 ID:Heaven

4chan, hentai (and sometimes live-action porn), fapping, eating junk, jogging, college, staying up as long as I can and trying to beat my high score the next night, the feeling I get when I pick a scab, playing games of any sort, holding multiple conversations in different languages simultaneously, umm...Life (cereal and state of being)?

34 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-20 02:08 ID:hTN09HMR


35 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-20 03:12 ID:rKx2H6Z9

The internet, being a hikki neet.

36 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-22 20:08 ID:duv+QtmM

Wow, you are like a healthy train-wreck.

37 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-22 20:47 ID:MmO76pbN

How so?

38 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-23 03:17 ID:U81wF9he


And fapping to lolis.

39 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-23 19:58 ID:Heaven


>fapping, eating junk, jogging, multilingual


40 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-23 21:33 ID:Heaven

Oh, ok lol!

41 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-25 07:21 ID:Heaven

Cola, imageboards.

42 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-26 19:47 ID:f6PmcEeG

imageboards, porn, masturbating, irc, aim, trolling (its both fun and gives me attention)

43 Name: annie : 2006-07-28 01:00 ID:gPBrhBNQ

the interweb olololol

44 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-28 02:23 ID:yOq8OOm5

internet, gamez, music, dreaming about japanese girls

45 Name: nerd : 2006-07-28 04:52 ID:UH+8SXHl

thie might be my new addiction
(i'm new)

46 Name: Anonymous : 2015-12-18 22:45 ID:0Wk+VPvn

I'm addicted to licking doorknobs

47 Name: Anonymous : 2016-07-18 10:45 ID:8eQgCRhj

I'm addicted to living

48 Name: Anonymous : 2016-07-19 02:19 ID:Qw7ksyEI

No one can serve two masters. Set aside these worldly things and submit yourself to Christ!

I'm getting over some issues with torrenting myself. In the end, I wasn't even enjoying what I downloaded, I just kept piling on hundreds and hundreds of gigabytes.

49 Name: Anonymous : 2016-07-19 03:31 ID:Heaven

I'm not cool with christ sorry

50 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-14 06:16 ID:0+htVc8L

Masturbating and wasting my time on the internet. I always feel much better and productive when I abstain from internet browsing, and yet I never get around to it as often as I want to.

51 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-17 01:06 ID:08K75M1g

chocoalte. if i dont eat chocoalte during the day i get a headache and cravings. i get into a bad mood.

i need chocolate after eating something salty or a large meal. no matter how full i am if i do not eat some form of chocolate i will get upset.

this easter i spend 100 euro + on easter eggs for myself alone. many different types, expensive ones, cheap ones, fun ones.
i ate them all.


52 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-18 00:16 ID:kcyCEf8x

Wow, don't you get tired of all the sweetness? Nothing in excess is good,you know.

53 Name: TheAshenHoebo : 2016-08-21 05:43 ID:3kwqcSwb

Dark souls is my addiction.

54 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-23 19:19 ID:dGWSqSWC

Electronics and the internet. The only time I can get my self to read a book is when my connection is down or the power's out.

55 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-25 11:40 ID:36W1U8oZ

oh god me too. i barely have a couple hourse without interenet these days. it's bad.

56 Name: Anonymous : 2016-08-29 23:34 ID:PlguuKHF

Cigarettes. I masturbate once a nice, and oftentimes 2 or 3 times a night on weekends.

I love browsing the internet and chatting. Collecting weird little links and writing them on walls with a marker is fun. It takes a lot of effort to make sure it can't be traced to me though.

Then again, I could stop using but then people might realize it's one of those vintage pop up ads where they open continuously on your screen and you can't close them

57 Name: Anonymous : 2016-09-01 05:12 ID:VQ7KvMGX

I'm addicted to flavored sparkling water. It's too good. I got a 24 pack two days ago and I've almost drank it all. It's so much better than soda!

58 Name: Anonymous : 2016-09-03 19:11 ID:7DHy0YU+

I didn't know anybody else drank sparkling water. It is indeed very refreshing but I don't think I've ever had more than two a day.

59 Name: Anonymous : 2016-09-15 21:30 ID:Heaven

I drink just mineral water on the occasion, flavored is also nice, either is supposed to be a good alternative to soda

60 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-05 03:39 ID:4BFSUsmg

cigs, the internet, and masturbation

61 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-06 00:34 ID:xGJ77p3M

Soda, fapping, sleeping pills

62 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-06 06:26 ID:FBMr3wsD

girls, fappin and coffee.

63 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-06 16:28 ID:Y3584KkZ

Alcohol, masturbation, anime, black metal music

You're such a healthy addict.

64 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-07 23:34 ID:kqSIVUnF

I quit smoking last month after being a daily smoker for the past 15 years. It feels so weird, I don't know how to describe it. It feels like I'm a kid again, 15 years old. So many memories came back to me of my life before cigarettes. Really more than anything I think I mainly did it out of boredom.

Thought I'd share in this thread. If there's anyone who wants to quit, remind yourself that you can do it if you want.

65 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-10 19:08 ID:CN8xnq3B


66 Name: Anonymous : 2016-10-11 06:33 ID:0+htVc8L

>>57 >>58 >>59
I'm also a big fan of sparkling water! (´・ω・`)
My apartment complex gives them away for free in the lounge sometimes, so I always try and stock up. They've got sparkling mineral water sometimes, but mostly those Pellegrino sparkling orange drinks. I don't know if they're water, juice, or soda, so I just call them 'sweet drinks', haha. They're very tasty and nice to have in that afternoon lull around 4 PM.

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