tripcode (24)

1 Name: ... : 2007-05-18 04:54 ID:ez6rNzIz

How do I use a tripcode?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-18 05:31 ID:O9vpxNNw

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-18 20:05 ID:Heaven

By the power of grayskull is how you do it.

4 Post deleted by moderator.

5 Name: Spengbab!MNnsoH5of2 : 2007-05-21 01:54 ID:SPluWFeT

Just put a hash mark after your name, along with the code you want to use, like so:


Your tripcode will be encrypted upon post, so only you will know which code you typed in to use that tripcode.

Hope that helps.

6 Post deleted by moderator.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-21 19:04 ID:Heaven

PSA: Use TWO #
like this -> name##securetrip.
That is all.

8 Name: Milton!!f3fG1IbG : 2007-06-04 03:01 ID:KHl4UDiG

Ahh. Like this?

Thx for the explanation. Neat idea.

9 Post deleted by moderator.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-05 17:20 ID:Heaven

the tripcode generated with two ## are a lot more secure than the single one. There are a lot of people who crack # tripcodes for the fun of it. Not as easy when you've got a ## secure tripcode

11 Name: noob!!1+paRNab : 2007-06-08 17:48 ID:Heaven


12 Name: noob!!1+paRNab : 2007-06-08 17:48 ID:oE+aSWOR


13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-08 17:48 ID:Heaven

3 dont work lol

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 19:40 ID:Heaven

This thread should be Post deleted by moderator.

15 Name: Miruko!!aEYQBq6z : 2007-06-13 18:53 ID:az5XQW2g

ok, i am using this post to check it out

16 Name: Miruko!!aEYQBq6z : 2007-06-13 19:19 ID:az5XQW2g

so i am trying thsi little shit

17 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-14 00:20 ID:Heaven

the tripcode was one of squeeks' finer inventions

18 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-14 00:34 ID:naycAJ0b


19 Name: Test!!jh8/yJe1 : 2008-09-01 06:59 ID:MI6R6sgC


20 Name: Hm!!O2swunTX : 2008-09-01 07:00 ID:MI6R6sgC


21 Name: idiots!VKdBX94pbg : 2008-09-01 08:00 ID:Heaven

At least fucking sage so this shit doesn't clutter up the bbs.

22 Name: Mr. no name!!gbMeX6YC : 2008-09-03 11:17 ID:IO73mvtA

what's the use for this "tripcode" thing?

23 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-03 13:29 ID:Heaven


It's a way of proving how much of a faggot you are, which you would know if you had read the intro.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-06 14:58 ID:Heaven


That page does not correctly state that using a tripcode makes you a tripfag.

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