Traffic Violation (6)

1 Name: Mint Blancmanche : 2008-02-01 06:49 ID:Heaven

Copypasta from other board, as this is more relevant.

I have recently turned 18, and while I was driving home from college, I was forced to drive for my friend (it was his car). It was nighttime and I had just woken from a nap, so I was pushed into the driver seat and sleepily began to back out. As I was in the process of making a U-turn, I was pulled over, as I forgotten to turn on the headlights (he usually leaves them on). All my friends in the car had been smoking pot, and I had decided to stay completely sober for the drive. When the cop came up, I was taken out for possession of marijuana that wasn't mine, just because I was aware that it was there.

My question: will my car insurance go up? It was my first offense and the officer told me I was very polite. What are my chances? If my rates go up my parents are taking my license, so I'm scared out of my mind.

2 Name: Mint Blancmanche : 2008-02-01 15:12 ID:Heaven

do i have to suck policemen dicks?

3 Name: Mint Blancmanche : 2008-02-01 15:16 ID:Heaven

Screw you.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-01 18:09 ID:Z7TogEyY

>>My question: will my car insurance go up?

lol. he got arrested for possession and this is what he was worried about?

5 Name: Mint Blancmanche : 2008-02-01 18:39 ID:Heaven

Yea, actually. I know I have community service to do, but that's it. I'm from California and the possession violation is terribly minor.

Can anyone answer my question?

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-01 19:08 ID:0RDgMPRm

Possession, eh?

Did you already cop a plea in court? If not, what happens if you fight it? They can't convict you if they didn't confiscate anything.

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