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9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-31 01:54 ID:eAsTOgEe

Palestinians are such massive butthurt losers it's unreal. Especially the ones that bitch about having 'their' land taken away from them.

I have a friend who calls herself a Palestinian, and the other day I told her that Jews haven't been an actual chosen people since Khazars fucked and replaced their ancestors in the Middle Ages. Jews who lived in the Middle Ages.

Jews who lived in the geographical region of North America called themselves 'Americans' to make it seem like it was their land. The truth is that Jews were in America hundreds of years before Europeans.

It's like if Americans came into Europe, got all butthurt and then started calling themselves 'Europeans' and claiming that it's their holy land. Jews are such massive butthurt losers it's unreal.

Especially the ones that bitch about having 'their' jobs taken away from them. I have a friend who calls herself a Palestinian, and the other day I told her that Jews haven't been an actual thing since about the 1950s. Englishmen who lived in the geographical region of Palestine called the land 'Judaea' to make it seem like it was their land.

The truth is that Jews haven't been an actual chosen people since Khazars fucked and replaced their ancestors in the Middle Ages. Jews who lived in the Middle Ages.

Jews who lived in the geographical region of Palestine called the land 'Judaea' to make it seem like it was their land.

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