Invitation to join the /xchange/ banner exchange program (3)

1 Name: Tahko : 2008-08-29 06:21 ID:r6U8F6op

Hai gais. IMG here.

Look, I know the spam sucks but it works and at least we aren't using bots.

I want to give back though because you guys are right, you don't really get anything out of it.

I have created a banner exchange program strictly for imageboards so really this message is strictly for the admins. It's a 1:1 exchange and it starts rotating you in at 100 exposures on your site.

It isn't breaking rule 1 or 2 if it's just for imageboards and it will give all of us more traffic.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-29 11:43 ID:pthmLVv4


3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-29 16:11 ID:Heaven

What imageboards?
What rule 1 or 2?

Think before you spam or get lost.

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