I just saw... (4)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-26 19:54 ID:lmiqBiTv

A Scientology flash banner on this page... I'm currently wondering if it's been loading spywares onto my drive...

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-26 23:43 ID:Heaven

You're too dumb to use an ad-blocker, therefore you deserve it.

3 Name: Squeeks!m7rovAflQs : 2008-09-28 17:03 ID:ru58Wf52

Somehow, I doubt that they are sticking spyware on, it'd probably be an AdSense violation. Also, I'm fine with people adblocking, since people that do that are the kind that wouldn't make use of the ads anyway, but remember they are what pay the bills around here.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-01 12:58 ID:Heaven

>I'm fine with people adblocking

The 4-ch Building will never get an indoor swimming pool with that kind of attitude!

Unblock those ads!

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