Thoughts (19)

6 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-02 13:18 ID:ckE1IB2+


> It seems to me that you may be under the impression that anyone who doesn't agree with you is 'fucked up in (the) mind' and their views are 'really stupid'.

Not really, but sometimes I am disappointed if they bring up something I've considered and found out to be inferior to what I'm saying. It takes a lot of explaining for people to change opinion while I merely consider them, and I don't think I have an opinion of my own.

But, since you're playing devils advocate (or is it me who's doing that?), let me know, don't you find anything wrong with education, for instance? Before we go into that, what do you think education is about anyway? How should it be done?

> One is not capable of having an honest discussion with anyone if they dismiss the opinions of others in this way.

I haven't dismissed anything, I simply labeled a group of ideas and opinions as "stupid views". Well, only because they're vastly inferior to other solutions and thoughts available. I'm not looking to help you (if I think you're in need of help), but merely to offer my thoughts here, and if you could do the same, that'd be what I want this thread to be about.

Here's an example so I'm not misunderstood. If I talk to someone and I'm saying that all humans are equal, and he's racist and says something about citizens of X country, I really don't want to spend time to make him admit humans are equal and it's merely circumstances that make them do what they're doing. I don't want to tell him that circumstances can be, to a degree, controlled by others (for instance governments), and it is so, and that they benefit from racism. I don't want to get caught up in this silly game where I'm the teacher and he's the student that fights back with his ignorance, because my time might be wasted, and more importantly, who am I to know if others need teaching or not?

> Then why did you immediately turn around and start steering it in that direction?

>>3 brought it up, and I think it's quite an interesting subject because the majority won't even stop and think about it, it'll just accept & adopt what it has been told, and that's it. It also has an interesting history, which is ignored. Could be a way to figure out who's thinking and who's farting here. I'll steer in any direction you bring up and we'll see where that gets us.

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