Thoughts (19)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-03 14:39 ID:+66ifV7K

OK, I'll bite. But you should request this thread moved to /debate/.

> since you're playing devils advocate (or is it me who's doing that?)

Maybe both of us... perhaps we'll both learn something.

> anything wrong with education...?

This is too general a question to address. Is there anything wrong with bananas? (Yes! As it turns out... but not in an everyday context)

> what do you think education is about anyway?

Education is, in most cases, the one-way sharing of ideas and methods, usually from teacher to pupil.

> How should it be done?

Ideally, education should be training, instruction, independent study or open dialog depending on the intelligence and character of the student(s) and the nature of the subject. Some subjects, like mathematics and how to operate a power saw or fire=hot, are not conductive to discussion. Most (K12) students do not have the desire and/or mental faculty to pursue knowledge for it's own sake.

> Here's an example so I'm not misunderstood.

Maybe I might need a more clear example, but in this case I'd argue that both of you have simple views (even if one is more complicated than the other), when my version of reality is more complex. If I wanted to be crude, I'd call them both 'stupid views', but belittling the opinions of another is insulting and so counter-productive. Not only because it infuriates the unwilling 'student' and so makes them unreceptive, but reveals that the self-designated 'teacher' is riding on an intellectual high-horse.

> I'm the teacher and he's the student that fights back with his ignorance
> who am I to know if others need teaching or not?

A good point, who are any of us to know? And who really is the teacher in this game? I'd expound more, but my higher brain functions have been temporarily disabled

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