Thoughts (19)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2009-08-04 23:18 ID:R9ywGz1R

I'm in. I like your thinking OP, but if you want to go into philosophy, then the word "bad" is going to be a problem.

So, assuming no thought is bad, then how about "wrong?" If someone is a fool because they disacknowledge that they could be wrong, then isn't that bad? Perhaps an obstinate way of thinking is "bad."

If we assume no thought is bad, then how about the intent of the thought? Is something only wrong when it happens, or is will for such an even to happen just as evil?

However, if thinking some thoughts become considered wrong all the more, then thought-crime can become punishable in your nation. I don't think anyone sane wants that.

>Education is, in most cases, the one-way sharing of ideas and methods, usually from teacher to pupil.

Sure, but to get understanding, to "grok" as they say, you must be capable of applying the concepts. What better way than to debate their nature?

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