2chan.net? (9)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2018-08-13 12:16 ID:g11s6kTX

What happened to 2chan? Did it move domain or just die? that's a shame now we only have this place, 1ch and 2ch

2 Name: Anonymous : 2018-08-13 13:43 ID:sOIBPNnk

Working for me.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2018-08-13 13:45 ID:sOIBPNnk

4 Name: Anonymous : 2018-08-13 15:22 ID:g11s6kTX

Weird typing in the link doesn't work, no idea why it's working now but literally typing in "http://2chan.net doesn't work for some reason

5 Name: Anonymous : 2018-08-14 02:47 ID:KHvBLFxQ

I guess I shouldn't feed this information to the newfags, but it's typical for Japanese servers to only show you the website when you use the "www" subdomain. It's a kind of carry-over from the age when people used servers for more than literally just hosting websites, one of the symptoms of Japan's Galapagos Syndrome (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gal%C3%A1pagos_syndrome). I think it's endearing really, I love Japanese tech culture.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2018-08-16 14:00 ID:Hy3H/83O

if you type 2chan.net firefox will try with www. before giving up, so you might not notice some sites do in fact require it. maybe you're using a browser that does not?

7 Name: Anonymous : 2018-08-16 20:26 ID:7SGzi6Je

No, it has nothing to do with his browser. Some sites will redirect you to their TLD, whether or not you type www. 2chan might likely be running an old configuration or whatever.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2018-08-16 23:56 ID:EaNTdgNg

>>7 Some browsers do have that type of error handling if the domain flat-out doesn't resolve. Like looking up domain names without any dots in a search engine, or automatically adding ".com" to the end if the domain doesn't have any dots.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2018-08-19 18:44 ID:ofu10shA

Do you live in Europe? I noticed that the http://www.2chan.net/kiyaku.htm page added that the website isn't for anybody in the European Union in response to the whole GDPR thing.

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