Help me choose a new hobby (103)

1 Name: Maredsous : 2006-04-29 07:07 ID:Wl7genXi

I just started to look at this site and decided this place might be a good place to ask a serious question with anonymity. I have a small problem. I'm 23 and my two main interests, video games and anime/manga, are started to become boring to me. After so much exposure, more than enough for a lifetime even, I think I should truly move on and look for something new.

I talked with some of my friends and a couple ideas sparked my interest. Here's a short list of ideas I have that I've liked so far:
Target shooting w/rifles
Beer brewing

I've thrown out hobbies like photography and music(anything related) due to general apathy. I'd like something that would keep me somewhat active (why archery and boxing are there), but would like something that can be truly affected by changes that I can make (why rifles and beer brewing are there). I tend to like the idea of messing around with something to make it better, which is why I liked playing some cRPGs and some racing games with tuning. I like beer and wine, but I'm not exactly sure I'd want to suffer through the experimentation of making my own. Boxing sounds fun, but would be tough to find space for the stand and bag. Rifle shooting sounds like the best option, but I don't have the money for what I want yet (I liked the feel of the Ruger Mini-14 which is ~$600).

I want some other ideas, but something that isn't related to anime or video games. I thought it might be possible to have all my bases covered if I asked as many people as possible. Thanks in advance.

103 Name: Anonymous Hobbyist : 2024-04-16 10:24 ID:Heaven

Geocaching is fun, and gets you out of the house! Like every hobby ever, the """community""" is pretty cringe, but thankfully you never have to actively engage with it as part of the sport.

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