Help me choose a new hobby (103)

55 Name: ManGhan : 2007-02-04 15:49 ID:zKu1eBh3

i don wanna seen as an idiot or something but it your life. if you are bored of it, then go back home , talk to your freinds & family and walk around alone, enjoy the scenery & stuff.

i mean you live your life once on this world, regardless of what your faith is anyway. if you're buddhish or sort, reincart. x= same people again. if you're muslim, chirstian @ jew, life is short and just once. do your best,earn good point and die happily.

what's ever you new hobby, do your best in it, stand back up if you fall and if you're bored again, find another. atleast you learn somthing.

p.s: i'm also don't have a hobby (much) or maybe cursin around is my hobby or laughting or.... bro, life's short, heaven or hell is for eternity (if you belive it, cos i do). please, if you're so f*&king bored of your life, DON'T COMMIT SUICIDE. JUST GO TO SLEEP, MAN COS I BET YOU ARE TIRED.

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