Legos! (27)

12 Name: Anonymous Enthusiast : 2007-09-27 16:57 ID:nWWqHC2t

I love Lego. But there is a small problem with them. Actually I suppose the problem is more with me then them.

See, where Lego was meant to inspire creativity, I just got lazy. Rather than making my own stuff I would rely on the instructions. Now if there is a big pile of blocks the only thing I can really do with them is put them together into one larger block.

Now I find myself doing that in other areas as well. I have tried to learn programming and I can do it, but I have a hard time getting anyting done unless someone is telling me more or less what to do. I don't know if that is just my personality being reflected into both areas or if Legos actually had the reverse effect on me than desired, but either way I often find myself upset at not being able to make awesome models of Stargate or Transformers...

tl;dr: I am as creative as a block of cheese, possibly less.

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