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165 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2018-03-17 18:56 ID:1q2E0OJ1

I never really thought something that seemed to matter so much to so many people could be forgotten so quickly. How many years is it since the idea of having a personal site, or visiting mostly the personal sites of others, stopped being considered "the way it is"? If you spend any time bouncing around old Tripod or Angelfire (or Geocities if you go on an archive) there's clearly so much love poured into these sites, and it's not all children or teens because many adults also were immensely passionate about their chosen presentation or theme.

Yet now all of this is gone. I wonder how many ghost sites there are, which are connected to the web but never accessed and hosted on ageing hardware or part of someone's monthly bill they've never really though to cancel.

One day a site could go offline simply because the owner was reminded that it was even there at all.

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