Hi, internet addicts. (42)

37 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2015-11-22 20:22 ID:VZcoaiv9

I think it's actually pretty normal for the younger generations to spend so much time online, even if they do have obligations. To me, it seems like everyone's on their phone all the time, even while working or schooling.

What concerns me is that social media is a lot less fulfilling than social interaction, and it doesn't really count as private time, because social media hardly counts as a hobby. So what we have is a generation of people that are unhappy because of self-induced alienation and no real aim in life because none of their attention goes into their private life.

I've noticed that more and more people seem to be glorifying introversion and the dichotomy between introversion and extroversion, and, ignoring the fact that this is pop psychology and a psychoanalyst might wince to hear someone talk about this, I don't think any of these people practice enough introspection to qualify as introverts. They're just shallow and antisocial.

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