our internet activity (58)

14 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2011-12-03 04:15 ID:66cdJTjh

I am on the computer for at least 14 hours a day (lately this has become night as I've become mostly nocturnal), from when I wake till when I go to sleep. All I do is browse 4chan, come here rarely to check for new posts, and other than downloading anime that is all I do. I have lived this way for the last three years. Wow, I can't believe it's been that long.

I find the rest of the intenet generally unpleasant because it is usually either Facebook-esque things or Forum circlejerking and elitism. I think this is my favourite website, I only wish it were faster so I could come here more often instead of 4chan.

The internet is my entire life, yet it's just these couple of websites for years for me.

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