our internet activity (58)

15 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2011-12-05 06:06 ID:xSNjitUn

I've been browsing 4-ch on and off, but it moves so slow I kind of lose interest after a while. A month or two later I come back and read the two posts that have been made during my hiatus. I don't even post here that often; it's fun enough to read the threads. Otherwise I just download things. I'd try IRC, but real time chat is usually too nerve-wracking for me. Tv-Tropes is entertaining but I haven't browsed it too seriously.


> I find the rest of the intenet generally unpleasant because it is usually either Facebook-esque things or Forum circlejerking and elitism.

The Web 2.0 design of lots of websites these days really irks me, not to mention "social networking" sites are just awful, so I can understand that.

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