our internet activity (58)

51 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2016-04-26 07:55 ID:g9e71YUP

I'm going to reply not specifically to you but to the sort of thing this post can represent. I disagree with the whole premise of the "growing out of the Internet" trope. If anything the Internet will be more prevalent in your life in the future regardless of your browsing habits simply due to technological integration. I hardly ever post here anymore for a variety of reasons but what has changed is not me, nor is it the Internet, or the content on this site, but that it is not presently able to add any novelty or value to my life. Things are stale mostly because the only people who have any cause to visit a site like this are either former or present users with ossified posting habits or inappropriately reverent newcomers who still hold stock in the smug seniority principle. The confluence of these two factors make these boards living museums and things are done a certain way out of inertia rather than any sort of utility. Don't confuse your own dissatisfaction with a systemic flaw in the Internet as a whole.

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