Imageboards are dying in the Western World (88)

63 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2019-12-02 17:26 ID:KEDo+mky


>it's also unlikely that things will get any worse than they are now.

I think it's very likely, actually. With how much weight the corporate giants can throw around, I would not be surprised in the slightest if they started saying "Anyone who specifically avoids using our website(s) must have something to hide!" and have people eat it up. Like 8chan, the entire site was not dedicated to whatever got them in the news. They had vidya, anime, and a whole slew of other harmless boards. But if you publicly admitted to browsing 8chan at all, you were suddenly a terrorist. Then the reverse starts happening with "Oh, why are you not using Facebook2.0, hm? Are you some sort of terrorist, trying to go off the beaten path?"

Also this is my first reply in this thread.

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