[True Love?]Love on the Internet! [Online Sweethearts] (136)

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-11-09 16:48 ID:Heaven

I had a great online relationship with this girl who was about the same age as me, and we shared some interests etc etc. Then I got an opportunity to go visit her (she was in another country), and when I got there, I found out that the phone number she had given me was wrong, belonging to someone else. She became completely unavailable online. Finally, on the last day before I had to return home, in late afternoon when it was already starting to get dark, she suggested I go to some park in a less populous area unknown to me. I almost did this, but thought better of it.

There was more, but I don't feel like writing about it. In any event, that was the last time I would participate in any "online relationship" nonsense.

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