Embarrassing things we do for people we love (72)

57 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-12 07:27 ID:u6OjSFyH

>>21 The best advice I think I can give you is to look forward to future relationships. Don't stop taking care of yourself physically, but at the same time don't feel bad if you slip a little and gain some weight (I have!). Your image is very important to your social life, and you should think of it as important. I'm not meaning to sound shallow or anything, but you should always strive to look your best. It's only healthy!

To get back on track though, you need to meet more people! I went through a bad break up in a long relationship last year, and I was very depressed. My friends were very helpful in restoring myself. Not as close friends to talk to about my problems or anything like that, but friends to have fun with. Spend time with your friends, or if you don't have any friends, go make some (can be easier said than done, I know).

Think about what it will be like to meet a girl that you like who also shares your interests! It will happen eventually, just make sure you're keeping a lookout instead of moping about the past. It's good that you improved yourself because of the passion you had for her, but don't ruin yourself because you didn't get her. If you never see her again, don't dwell on it. I have made mistakes in the past, but nowadays I don't regret those mistakes. You've learned a lot through this. You've learned what you're capable of. Just live your life and work towards making more meaningful relationships.

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