Fuck her! (22)

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-24 06:47 ID:sq75f8gR

You affirm why I sadly believe that all men enter one sided relationships at first. Yes, men do want to enter a relationship because it is virtually impossible to be just friends, for both parties, and any woman who denies even the tiniest attractions are lying to themselves. The men realize it instantly and don't lie, yet the women don't want to hear it and often times it doesn't work out. THis all makes sense since deep down inside, we're all programmed for the same thing. Men find it harder to control than women though, although I think society has screwed things up enough to brainwash women into believing that its the man that has to do everything. (rants because I too have been burned by this situation. I have plenty of female friends, but no "girlfriends").

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