Singles Rant Thread (1000)

248 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-05 07:30 ID:P2iUnC0F

damn, thats some rant

249 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-05 07:46 ID:YBBNwzzV

_| ̄|о

250 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-05 15:02 ID:D+X+gFRQ

I don't trust women. Therefore I am single and plan on keeping everything I struggle for, for myself. It does not bother me to be alone for I do not feel as though I am missing out on anything.
What can a woman do for me?
Sex? Sex is not the answer to anything. She doesn't like it...and if she does then she is whorish.
A cook? I can survive on my own
Laundry? Ditto.
Conversation? What would I talk to her about? What? How my day went? No. Because she will try to change me and mold me into something she wants.

Women are not the answer. You have these feminists trying to make men appear to be foolish, halfwitted oafs. They have claimed not to need man anymore than a fish needs a bicycle.

That works two ways. I do not mean to say that all women are bad, just that I don't need one. I cannot be an emotional tampon nor do I need one.

251 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-05 18:22 ID:ehx18AI9


Not to flame you, but it sounds like you desparately try o justify your inability to find a partner and cope with your loneliness.

252 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-05 20:42 ID:YWvRLMzW


Not to flame you, but flame.

253 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-05 21:28 ID:HXbUqBT/


You see, that is how it is. Everyone thinks they need someone. I'm interjecting an alternative viewpoint to this desperate, desperate idea that everyone NEEDS somebody. You really don't.

It is not capability I lack, it is interest and necessity.

And that scares people. That perhaps they are salmon swimming upstream to spawn. Like the praying mantis who gets eaten....

Because when you look into the eyes of a "partner" you are looking into the eyes of a stranger. is my fault. I have made myself comfortable without the need for a "partner". Perhaps I am out of the mainstream. Perhaps my lifestyle is extreme...I do not know.

I am alone....but not lonely.

254 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-06 07:20 ID:YBBNwzzV

Radio Otoko please post wonderful news today! everything seems so dreary for me, I hope you have something cheerful to report! no matter what, we support you!

Good report please! ☆*clasps hands in prayer*☆

255 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-06 11:35 ID:GKx9ZTpP

your thinking of a partner in term of UTILITARIAN need. i mean, who knows, you might meet a woman who totally cant cook or do laundry, but ull love her anyway. its a feeling, which many people here want to experience but cant seem to get. for you, itll happen someday i believe, or mabye, has happened to you in the past, and youve just become emotionally scarred or something. im not saying you NEED anyone like, zomg, i need a woman to cook and clean for me and stay home with the kidz0rz. not to mention, the way u put them as, is very very masculine chauvinistic, which, is a bit ignorant btw. mabye if you talked to some women these days you could see that not ALL of them are the way that you described.

256 Name: Radio Otoko : 2006-02-06 12:28 ID:Heaven

>>254 Whatever happens, I'll post it.

257 Name: Confused : 2006-02-06 16:05 ID:GFKFh6Sp

Hi people. Newbie here. Need some relationship advice. Thanks for your help!

Is it normal for those people who are having long term relationships, to have crush on others every so often?

258 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-06 16:32 ID:YBBNwzzV

Thank you Radio Otoko! Good luck!

259 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-06 20:53 ID:P2iUnC0F

yeah i guess it is normal to have crushes on other people. just dont act on these crushes are else that would suck royally, just stick to the girl you have and you will be fine.

260 Name: Radio Otoko : 2006-02-06 21:07 ID:Heaven

Nothing happened. :/

261 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-06 21:08 ID:D+S4+LL4


This is a battle between emotion and reason.

By logic I would merely need a partner to aid and assist in the perpetuation of my life functions and to make my daily routine more convenient. "love" is nothing more than sympathetic and parasympathetic physical reaction spurred by a need or instinctual desire for procreation. I do not view the world in Masculine and Feminine. Perhaps I am too austere in my emotional thinking but it is emotions that cause all of the worlds problems. Feelings and Beliefs. Not science and reason. I do not at this time desire procreation, and I am quite adept at self suffiency. At this time another person would not fare well in my equation. Besides, desire, however accepted is a sign of emotional despondency and abandonment issues.

In the modern world, you truly need no one.

262 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-06 21:10 ID:Heaven


nothing happened?! details requested!!!

263 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-06 22:07 ID:GKx9ZTpP

youre human, its that simple, dont try and hide it and tell everyone youre an emotionally cold robot, cuz, you probably arent. I know someone like you, and, inside, he actually did fall in love with someone, and it was the creepiest and weirdest thing ever, because he talks and thinks exactly like you, but, even someone like him was capable of love, course, got rejected and all, but he was still capable of it. and, with a mindset like that, who would want to "procreate" with you anyway? mabye thats your problem

264 Name: meow : 2006-02-06 23:00 ID:vMVm+Z5J

radio! ;_:

265 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-07 00:20 ID:Heaven

How about drawing a little heart on his receipt? :3

266 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-07 02:38 ID:Heaven

Better yet, your phone number.

267 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-07 05:22 ID:Lo4WIb8+


Do not try to offer emotion or taste into an argument and then end it with a personal barb.

There are NO standards to human thought, only normatives and consensu. I am not a cold emotional robot. I'm quite happy and I do the things I enjoy doing. I just don't believe in love or anything else. I have actually tried to like women before, but found myself uncomfortable because I REALLY didn't like them. Some were fairly attractive, others were moderately common. I can relate to some of their personalities, but find myself lacking. Finally I said "Maybe I just don't like people that way. Maybe I'm just a really ardent individualist." So that's how I live. I find it satisfying that I don't need an emotional anchor or that I feel obligated to another person. My life is mine to live or lose. No one elses. No concerns, no frets. I don't need sex and while I don't dislike children, I see no need to have any. People place too much importance on relationships.
There ARE alternatives.

Me? I'm just a sober, asexual atheist who takes care of himself.

268 Name: Confused : 2006-02-07 05:49 ID:rHYz0Bk4

Thanks. Is it okay for me to be a female in this thread, while asking for a guy's opinion?

Actually I've been with my bf for 10 years now, met him when I was still in High school. He's very caring for me over these years, although I had realized in recent years that there are many things we are not in common of, and I can hardly see a future of us.

Although we've been seeing each other so often, we have less to talk about. We talked about common things like sports and news, but we never discuss about our inner feelings, our goals. We talk about practical things but nothing phylosophical. That's why I'm confused.

There is this other male friend of mine who we can talk a lot, almost everything, from office chitchat to phylosophy, hobby, etc. We have things in common and others different. But at least we are able to understand and listen to each other. I only known him for more than a year, but he's a very good friend of mine, intellectually. However, he doesn't like to talk about himself that much. Only thru bits and pieces he told me that I started to know more about him.

Despite the fact whether I'm having a crush on my friend, I'm just wondering if a couple would be able to talk about everything. Not only common topics on the surface, but also deep inside our hearts. When ever I start getting emotional, my bf would ask me not to think too much. He thinks all these phylosophical thinking that i've been going thru is a waste of time. However, thru these years he's been giving me very good advises and help which guided me when I most needed him. All these years I've been drowned by his care and love, but now I'm confused if I really love him.

Is it possible to have a relationship like that while having another close male friend who shares my intellectual feelings?

I'm confused because I don't know if I really love my bf or am I just relying on him. I'm confused because I'm not sure if I'm wasting both me and my bf's time or not.

Thanks for listen to me.

269 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-07 06:10 ID:YBBNwzzV

How does he feel?

270 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-07 07:08 ID:hGcUhBgJ

How was the relationship in the early days? Did you have deep conversations with him, was it filled a lot of passion? Basically, why did you fall in love with him in the first place?

271 Name: Confused : 2006-02-07 07:54 ID:rHYz0Bk4


Sorry, I maybe misunderstanding you. Do you mean how does my friend feel?

Actually he's very nice to me, so does to everyone. But somehow, maybe it's only my imagination, I feel that we talk more deeply than he would to other people. We can sit and talk forever non-stop on many things. I feel there is something between us, more than friends, less than lovers.

As for my bf, we are just like normal couples in which I live with him over the weekends. We live like a married couple, but talk less. We do our own things separately, but occationally we go out together and enjoyed the time we spend together. It's like a habit to be with my bf, though I realized I never really understand him.

272 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-07 08:13 ID:+/27/uQP


10 years huh? You're long past the "Infatuation and Attraction" stage of relationships and have naturally entered the "Uncertainty " stage. Heres what my relligion teacher, a certifiable expert on this kind of thing, had to say about this step:

  1. You move into this stage automatically.
  2. Its natural to begin to question the relationship, especially when infatuation meets reality.
  3. Many people give up in this stage, thinking that questions and uncertainty mean it won't work.
  4. It may be helpful for you to not date others so you can ask questions.
  5. Do NOT compare this dating experience to others.
  6. The grass is always greener on the otherside of the fence.

From what I can tell, your relationship is a mixture between exclusivity and uncertainty, and definitely prior to intimacy.

You, as a woman, are naturally worried about where the relationship is going, where as it sounds like your bf is a typical guy who's only interested in the what he gets out of the relationship. I'm not dogging on either sex, this is all a very natural process. In this stage of the relationship, you will both make mistakes and your uncertainty is most certianly a result of one of them. Sounds like hes put down his guard over the years and doesn't do the little things that you probably found made him attractive. You almost seem to take each other for granted, which is unfortunately not uncommon.

This line from this book we used by the same religion teacher (it was a huge section on the nature of relationships): "Men tend to stop listenting to their partners and women tend to stop asking questions and may become restentful", seems to sum of some of your problems.

Onto the relationshp involving more than one guy, it really depends on where you want to be. If you aren't exclusive, there is nothing wrong with dating more than one guy, but if you are exclusive then it is difficult to maintain a relationship between those two. The most important thing between both you and your bf is to not cheat, and at this point he might consider this cheating even if you don't.

My advice: if you've been with your original bf for ten years, keep it up. You are a victim of mutual attraction from another guy who is fresher to you, thats natural but keep in mind it can hurt your bf. Communication is the key, talk with him and ask him what he thinks about the nature of your relationship. Don't worry about your confusion, that is the natural order of things and if you talk it out I guarantee your stress will be relieved quite a bit.

Correct me if I'm over-analyzing and please don't get angry with me, this is only friendly advice from a guy who doesn't know jack about relationships but was educated by a guy who knows more on the subject than any other man I've met.

273 Name: Confused : 2006-02-07 08:18 ID:rHYz0Bk4


It's like love at first sight when I first met my bf. We met thru internet as friends, and later on went out for the first date. It was then we start dating naturally. I don't even know why I fell in love with him in the first place, it just happened. We have same hobby, same interests. I like the way he showed me a different world, broadened my view, and guided me when I needed advises.

Basically he is my first serious relationship. I had other puppy loves before, but he's the first serious one. It was during my high school days when I met him. For all those years in school, he's the only guy I see. Basically because I think I'm so deeply in love with him, I'm willing to take up all my time possible to be with him. I can see no one else but him. And because of that, I basically had no socially life other than the time spent in school.

Later when I met more people, I realized there's more than just a bf. I started to meet more friends, and there had been times when he realized I was interested in another guy. We ran into a big fight which nearly costed our relationship. We managed to put it together again and continue our relationship.

However, we start having arguments more often. Usually I'm being a whimp who just takes all his temper and say nothing, that it's all my fault, begging him to forgive me and give me another chance. But lately, I found I can't continue like that. I wanted to voice out. It's not always my fault. He has to take responsibility as well (obviously I didn't say that). It was kinda stressed at that time, but at least it's over now.

We did talk about planning for the future. However, I have my family to support, and he doesn't. At the current stage, I cannot affort to support both my family and the two of us. Also he's not ready to meet my family yet, after so many years. I started to feel that we have no future. And as I meet more people, I also started to feel that I can have a better life and relationship without him. But as we've been together for so many years, I treasure the time we spend together. I do not want to make a wrong move.

We hardly have any deep conversations, except for the recent time we analyse our plan for future. He doesn't want to take up responsibility, and always say I think too much. I mentioned to him that I wanted to plan for the future, and his excuse is either that we have no future, or I can leave if I don't like it.

Sigh...why am I still staying with him? It's like addicted to drugs, can't quit.

274 Name: Confused : 2006-02-07 08:37 ID:rHYz0Bk4


Thank you very much for your analysis and advise. It's a relief to hear that it's normal to feel uncertain at this point. I've been hearing from many friends that ten years is a whole lot of time, and I should treasure this relationship.

In comparison, I'm always like a kid in front of my bf, always being taken care of. Yet when I talk with my friend, I feel like a woman, or a grown up, that I would be taking care of others. It's the feeling between needing and being needed.

When I'm with my friend, I feel that I'm being respected as a person with unique idea. I'm being listened and understood.

With my bf, usually he doesn't like to listen to me. Just like what you have quoted from your teacher. I do ask questions sometime, but his response is "Don't ask. Just do it." One thing I'm most inspired with my bf is that somehow he's always right. Eventhough I may not understand or agree with in the first place, he turns out to be correct.

I guess it's now into the questions of why do I love someone and what is love? Or is there no answer to this question and I'm just over reacting?

275 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-07 12:31 ID:XZA47pvg

Ah, so you're the type that let's her man think for her. Are you doing anything else but house work?

276 Name: Confused : 2006-02-07 13:22 ID:GFKFh6Sp


I'm working. Plus we only see each other 2 days a week.

277 Name: Radio Otoko : 2006-02-07 14:09 ID:Heaven

>>262 Well, I saw SAS a couple times yesterday but the one time she actually saw me, she was with her friends and I felt like she was avoiding me. :(

278 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-07 16:06 ID:9TUGPvQ7

she is probably still shocked, give it a few days, and if she doesn't come up to you, you need to go to her.

279 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-07 20:41 ID:T28pJQhk

Just thought I'd post my own minor success...
Got a girl to agree and study with me, but with two minor annoyances:

  1. Her friend's coming
  2. It'll be at 9am (sleepy)

Hopefully it goes fine, but I dunno.
I'm kind of annoyed that the friend is coming and that I have to wake up at 8am if I want to eat breakfast and all that... There's my rant. :)

280 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-07 21:32 ID:oS++/hmz

use a wingman.

281 Name: meow : 2006-02-07 22:45 ID:vMVm+Z5J

GOOD LUCK RADIO! wish i could meet you. :(

282 Name: 279 : 2006-02-07 23:04 ID:T28pJQhk

Nobody I know will wake up that early.

283 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-07 23:20 ID:firjgMxQ

Radio, don't worry! She can't just come and talk with you when her friends are around. I've talked with my girlfriend and she told me that it's true.

She may need some time, but I can tell you one thing: everyone likes to hear that someone loves him. It's a nice thing to hear. Even if you don't feel anything for a person, these words are like a tiny sparks that warms up your heart.

Just wait for a good time, especially when she'll be ALONE and try to talk with her. Not about the feelings, but about anything. I think that she had some time to think about everything and even if you start a normal chat, sooner or later she'll just tell you about her feelings. Probably she is dying to give you the answer (either yes or no), but you need a good place and ANY excuse to talk.

We are crossing our fingers. I'm leaving town for 2 days, but will try to check your progress asap. If you'll have any problems or new info, just let us know ^_^.

We are crossing our fingers for you.

284 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-08 00:17 ID:YBBNwzzV

Whatever happens Radio, you did great. I have my fingers crossed for you too! And keep your head up high! keep us posted!

DETAILS REQUESTED!!! (^∀^)☆☆☆!!!!

285 Name: roboto : 2006-02-08 01:12 ID:baUGVJaE

radio, dont worry i think you should just give her some time.

286 Name: meow : 2006-02-08 03:32 ID:vMVm+Z5J

<33 radio

287 Name: Doku Otoko : 2006-02-08 20:40 ID:YSCoKu0J

Radio, I just started reading your situation so I may not have a complete idea of what is going on. However, I do know that patience is the key. Just give her time to recollect her thoughts and the time will come when she'll give you the answer. Don't rush her. Anyways, I'm hoping for the best!

288 Name: Radio Otoko : 2006-02-08 22:44 ID:Heaven


This won't work.

  • SAS seems to be avoiding me. While I don't think I've done anything to deserve this, the once kind SAS-chan has become much colder.
  • Apparently, the guy who was GOING to tell her to get back at me for no reason did something or will do something "that will solve all the problems". Sadly, I have no clue what the fuck it is and if it's been done already, this might be why she's avoiding me. Fuckers.
  • The stupid grade 11 class who's having a fundraiser for their prom came up with the lamest idea for a fundraiser ever, a "WIN A DATE WITH 'x student' HERE" contest. I saw her enter the contest.
  • MY STUPID FRIENDS FOLLOW ME AROUND EVERYWHERE AND SEEM TO BE DOING EVERYTHING TO NOT LET ME BE ALONE-- EVER. I see her walk around alone, but I can't say anything because those retards are always around me while the guy who's up to no good is probably doing whatever he said he would.

289 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-08 23:01 ID:b3wnx4af

Damn, Radio.

This is a bad situation... I think the best move is to tell your friends to leave you the fuck alone for a bit and go talk to SAS. Thats what I think, at least...

Maybe she goes to 4-ch too!?

290 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-08 23:06 ID:sdE8sjOE

I am sorry Radio Otoko...but maybe she is not as sweet as she seemed. It is often that a person's true nature is revealed after this sort of thing. I am not suggesting to give up, but maybe treat her as she treats you.

291 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-09 01:05 ID:lBCSwLTm

i was afraid this was going to happen. 80% of the time, a premature confession freaks out the girl. the shock and the gravity of the confession scare girls. but have faith, try to follow up on this. first of all tell your friend to give you space, also tell the kid (aka the douchebag) to fuck off, he already ruined your plans, he will probably make things worse.

dont worry man, things always work out in the end

292 Name: Radio Otoko : 2006-02-09 01:15 ID:Heaven

>>289 She doesn't go on 4-ch... that is, I don't think she does. >_>

I think I've found out what his plan is. And it's very clever.. IF you want to destroy someone's relationship. There is a Valentine's Day card trading thing at school. The cards will be delivered to people who are recipients on Valentine's Day.

What if that douchebag sends one under my name and classroom and writes nonsense? Do I sue him for identity theft? And most of all, what happens if this happens and she doesn't believe that it isn't me?


293 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-09 01:36 ID:lBCSwLTm

you don't sue him for identity theft, you beat the shit out of him.

294 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-09 01:46 ID:cgDCjjkA

rofl, ive done that before, and im doing it this valentines day to some douchebag (not for a girl), TWICE.....
dude, odds are, your handwriting wont be the same, also, she'll know its not you...considering, you just confessed like, 2 minutes ago. just be like, yeah, it wasnt me a more, sincere way of course....

295 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-09 04:43 ID:YBBNwzzV

get her alone and try and clear things up. Have faith, but...a girl I confessed to turn cold towards me too. much the same way with SAS. In some ways, i think it's her way of helping me get over her and plus things do get awkward after something like this and if she doesn't love you back. However, it's good you confessed early as sooner or later, it'd explode. betters ooner than later.

296 Name: meow : 2006-02-09 05:31 ID:vMVm+Z5J

i wish you two could get some alone time :<

297 Name: Doku Otoko : 2006-02-09 06:14 ID:kg2cXT2E

I think most girls turn cold towards people they do not like. It's almost like a natural instinct. To me, it seems that they just move away and run from this fact because they don't want to deal with this uncomfortable situation. If your friends are always following you, why dont you tip them in on the situation so they can help you get some alone time with SAS?

298 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-09 16:17 ID:Heaven

Send her your own valentine, marked with a fingerprint?

Wire yourself up with a hidden recorder and confront him?

299 Name: Radio Otoko : 2006-02-09 20:54 ID:Heaven

>>298 My first name has a spelling distinction from all the other ways of spelling my name. Mine is the most uncommon. Therefore, if the guy misspelled my name, I've got something to use against him.

Besides she has the same problem as I do (when it comes to names), so I wouldn't be surprised if she understood.

300 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-10 00:11 ID:3NboUSdY

Radio, just get rid of your friends and talk with her!!! I told you that if you'll try to talk with her, she'll tell you what she feels. Come on! It shouldn't be that hard and it'll really help you. You won't be so confused after that cuz it'll all get clear. If she'll dump you, take it as a man, and if she'l laccept you, just be happy and don't care about idiots. I just came back home and I had to read about your problems. So tell your friends to just get lost even without giving them reasons and go talk with her. If you have enough feelings for her, you should do it. I'm counting on you.

301 Name: roboto : 2006-02-10 01:42 ID:oJE9DH59

radio i hope it works out!!

302 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-10 06:10 ID:quTGms2x

Make sure you talk to her before Valentine's day, and then you'll have the upper hand over the other guy no matter what he's planning. It won't look good if he tries something while you're still not talking.

303 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-10 22:19 ID:YBBNwzzV

don't give up!

304 Name: Radio Otoko : 2006-02-10 22:28 ID:Heaven

Actually, the cards are given on the same day as they are sent. So I don't know if she got it yet or not.

305 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-11 01:33 ID:roDHkJoL

hey hey hey...

306 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-13 20:45 ID:drVM+ntB

RADIO! We need some new info!

307 Name: Radio Otoko : 2006-02-13 20:52 ID:Heaven

I have nothing to report. orz

This is the second time I've confessed to a girl and haven't ever heard from her since. Way to fail. :(

308 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-13 21:05 ID:P2iUnC0F

whenever you fall off the horse you just get back on.

309 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-13 21:13 ID:drVM+ntB

Try to TALK with her! You went through a lot. Don't just give up!

I don't know how many times I have to say it~~

310 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-13 21:58 ID:YBBNwzzV

is she still avoiding you?

311 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-13 22:22 ID:b3wnx4af

Hmm.. Tommorow is Valentines Day... The best time to go TALK TO SAS! C'mon Radio... Just say 2 letters. H and I. Then, let her respond... or something.

312 Name: Radio Otoko : 2006-02-14 12:31 ID:Heaven

>>311 It's more than two letters in French. Actually, I might not even be able to see her much at all due to something I mentioned a while ago... We have to go to the university in the afternoon so I won't be there when I'd regularly see her. :(

Oh well, happy Singles' Awareness Day to all.

313 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-14 17:57 ID:YBBNwzzV

awww :( so what do you plan to do now Radio?

314 Name: Radio Otoko : 2006-02-15 02:44 ID:Heaven

I suspect she's actually taken. From what I've heard, the MVP from our school's basketball team is dating her. If anything, going any further would get me beaten down by the basketball team.

I just think I'll remain an acquaintance from now on and bump into her randomly once in a while. I don't think this will go anywhere, but I can stay strong and move on (yet again)...

315 Name: Doku Otoko : 2006-02-15 04:30 ID:wNvZI2GP least you can honestly tell yourself that you tried. It's better than not having done anything at all and wondering what would've happened if you did.

316 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-15 04:46 ID:P2iUnC0F

yeah, radio, seriously i once let a girl go, and man i regret it to this day. i still dont know if she was taken or not, but man i really wished i had the balls to asked.

317 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-15 10:07 ID:Y0FAbA1p

There are no successes and failures. There are only successes and experiences. So just go on, and maybe try to talk with her one day.

318 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-15 22:47 ID:YBBNwzzV

and she didn't say anything to you about the fact she's going out with someone even after you confessed?

319 Name: BENOIST : 2006-02-15 22:54 ID:BLwaVNRD

Well, she didn't go through with it. She dumped me yesterday. No shit off my ass...

320 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-16 19:22 ID:c10RHiys

Damn! Why is it so hard to talk with girls nowadays? Specially pretty ones! Sometimes its like I have a huge tag on my head that informs them that I'm a level 4 to their level 1. HOw do you talk with someone that already assumes that you've got nothing to offer? In case you're wondering about the levels...
Level 1 - Attractive and wealthy.
Level 2 - Attractive but not wealthy.
Level 3 - Not Attractive but wealthy.
Level 4 - Neither attractive nor wealthy. But has some sort of talent or skill.
Level 5 - Neither attractive nor wealthy. Can't do shit exeptionally well.

HOnest to god, some girls (the pretty ones) I knew rated people this way! It's just sad that they didn't factor, you know, basic human qualities like kindness, understanding and such...

321 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-16 21:33 ID:Heaven

There are no successes and failures. There are only failures and lesser failures!

322 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-16 21:34 ID:Heaven

Level 2 and 3 would be reversed in the past... still might/should be reversed.

323 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-16 22:10 ID:Heaven

just gotta level yourself up by gaining more experience points and gil

324 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-16 23:43 ID:3DIfH8bb

You sound like the gods bigest failure.
I don't ever feel like failing. I just have experiences. I'm trying to learn and be better each time. That makes me winner every time.

325 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-17 00:00 ID:FJ+3gC4p

sounds like i got a big number 5 on my forehead, girls just ignore me these days

326 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-17 12:00 ID:+Jlg5EJV

There is no number for me ><. I'm a bit attractive, not wealthy, good with computers and anime related stuff. Never had problems with girls though >.>

327 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-17 20:05 ID:kwG7iLdy

Anyone notice in >>320 when I typed the sentence: "HOnest to god, some girls (the pretty ones)I knew rated people this way!"

I typed the "HO" in the word honest in all caps? Which would exactly describe these girls I meant. Is that some sort of Freudian slip or somthing?

328 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-18 20:04 ID:KYMnBGm5

CONFIDENCE is the answer. You can be only mildly attractive and not at all wealthy if you have confidence. Girls want to know that you can protect them, and care for them. Moping about how girls don't like you all day is only showing me that you have no confidence.

On the other hand, be a genuinely nice guy for a long time and you may find that perfect girl too, but you still have to be a little confident.

329 Name: Friend Otoko : 2006-02-18 22:52 ID:qdt90gmI

This is why we dont have girlfriends. =p

330 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-19 00:57 ID:Heaven

But according to this, hot asian chicks should be all over me unless a bix nood intervenes! However, this is not the case. What am I doing wrong?

331 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-19 03:51 ID:Heaven

stop trying to be asian

332 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-19 04:17 ID:v10Ne9xo


333 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-20 05:35 ID:YBBNwzzV

anyone ever tried hypnotherapy to get over someone?

334 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-20 08:41 ID:jPJ9cpHc


BE A MAN HULK, do it the hard way. You know, hard liquor.

335 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-20 08:57 ID:YBBNwzzV

tried that. didn't work. hard, soft, fruity. nothing :(

336 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-20 13:35 ID:jbxtxnOo

I'm not visiting this place that often anymore from the time when Radio Otoko gave up on SAS :(. It makes me feel sad...

nothing new, Radio?

337 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-20 19:50 ID:EOi1eWlV

this thread seems dead

338 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-20 20:32 ID:VmvsixUo

God all of you sad people talking about girls. Look at it this way: You don't have to prove a damn thing to these women, but they have to prove they are good enough for you. REAL women worth having don't want some wishy washy nice guy. They want someone capable of being an extreme asshole without being creepy about it. This way they know exactly what they are getting and will be able to live with it.

Case in point. If you like a girl, if you think "Hey, not bad. Why not, hell I ain't got nothing better to do" Then go up...say "Hey My name is so and so, what's your name?" Then when she tells you her name say something like "cool, hey yer pretty cute you know that. Anyways, see you around, k?" Then the next time you see her just talk to her the same way you'd talk to a you haven't seen for a while. Then if you still kind of like her(you know she isn't too flaky or lame.) Say "Hey you doing anything later?" If she says no(She might claim to have a boyfriend or something, this could be a lie as all women are equipped with creep filters) say "you sure? Ok. Well, maybe next time." WITHOUT MISSING A BEAT. DO NOT BEG OR PLEAD OR WHINE. The NEXT TIME you see her, try it again. She will most likely say yes this time.

Also LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE FIELD. These 18 year olds are usually stupid and love drama games. Try someone a little older and a little more desperate. Like 29. RECENT DIVORCEES ARE SOFT TARGETS. CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION: Unless you like recent divorcees after being with them for a while watch out because they love drama and have crazy homocidal ex's. The benefit is that most of them have jobs and are looking for adventure. Another downside is kids. They may want you to be a replacement father. BEWARE.

Finally, LEARN TO PICK UP REBOUNDS. Good ol' sloppy seconds.

Let me put it this way, America never won a war by being a nice ass. We bombed, nuked, slaughtered, raped and pillaged to win most of our wars and all of our battles. NICE GUYS FINISH LAST FOR A REASON. This is because women want a guy who will grab a shotgun and go after a burglar if there is a break in or beat the ever living fuck out of someone who calls her fat ass.

I hope my rambling helps someone out.

339 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-21 05:42 ID:Heaven

>>338 wins the thread.

340 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-21 10:05 ID:LCy4kzgp


Yes, women are shallow whores.

341 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-21 14:01 ID:Heaven


342 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-21 14:52 ID:Heaven

Hah. This chick pretty much picks me up at a night club, asks for my number in 10 minutes, and texts me the very next day offering to meet up, saying she's free anytime. Then she hasn't written back for a day. How weird is that?

343 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-21 15:09 ID:LCy4kzgp


She found another stinger.

344 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-21 19:53 ID:mFa/SA0T


well it's only been a day right?

345 Name: BENOIST : 2006-02-22 00:34 ID:1HMBxuuf

I tried to pick up a older girl (23ish, if that gives anyone a hint to my age...) at Barnes and Noble...
She punched me in the stomach and told me to go away. Am I a complete freak?

346 Name: Doku Otoko : 2006-02-22 00:48 ID:5/KvqUaB

She literally punched you in the stomach? Ouch....What kind of clothing were you wearing, what do you look like? Details!!

347 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-22 04:00 ID:P2iUnC0F

Barnes and Noble 'study sessions'... good times

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