The secret admirer gambit (17)

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2005-12-22 04:28 ID:tIjqB54G

I got "secret admirer" letters before. They creeped me out because when I thought back about it, the guy had been looking my way a lot and I hadn't thought much of it. Then when I got it I got the feeling he was always looking at me. It also creeped me out when one came right to my house when he should have had no way to know my address.

I think if it was a guy I actually knew and talked to it wouldn't feel like a stalker thing as much. Like if he gave them to me while we were friends and then told me he liked me after we knew each other.

But still it's risky business.

I'm definately not the party clubber type and was still creeped out by it...

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