Made a confession? (68)

33 Name: SR47 : 2006-01-14 08:58 ID:xoBruipx


In a perfect world, we would do this. Unfortunately, this ideal cannot be practically applied.

Face it, until human hormones can be suppressed by medication, girls will be "tits" and guys will be dicks in the eyes of humanity. And yes, that is a horrible pun I made. You can throw rotton avacados at me later.

Also, I would note that while saying it, it sounds nice. It really does. But when you stop to think about it, the logic behind this statement falls apart. I mean completely apart.

Let's stop for a moment and consider why people become friends.

  • Common interests/hobbies/passions.
  • Compatible personalities.
  • Need for comradery.

That list looks awfully familiar. Kind of reminds me of what people look for in real romantic relationships? ("Real", as opposed to airheaded players who think romance is how you tell a girl how fine her ass is).

There's the simple truth, okay? Guys look for the same qualities in girlfriends as they do their friends. The only major difference (and it is major) is the difference in equipment. By this realization, you have to realize, you can't help but be labeled as "vagina". It's the only differentiating trait you possess.

Okay, so this is discouraging. But I'm not done yet, oh no.

Let's assume that it was somehow possible to treat girls exactly like guys. Let's assume somehow every girl could detach their breasts and put on a strap-on whenever they liked. I see problems already.

  • Most girls would not like the usual tone/flavor of male speech. Yes, we do talk differently around girls. You're special, sorry if that offends you, get used to it.
  • Most girls do not enjoy the same things as men do. Tomboys being the exception, I don't think you can say that most girls would enjoy being one of the guys. That's not a sexist remark, it's an observation.
  • Men and Women have drastically different personalities. Actually, that's just the best way I can word it. Actually, there are many cases where the personas can be eeriely similar. Think of it as one of those overlap charts where the two circles overlap to make an oval. That overlap area is not that large. While some certainly are similar, the greater majority are different. I can going into a few points. Men use more porn, men have less manners/tidyness, men pay less attention to detail (unless its job related). Yes, there are girls that are like that, but I'm sure I could count the girls I know that are like that on one hand. No way I could say the same for guys.
  • I could go on, but it's 4AM and I want to get to bed sooner or later.

I don't mean to be so brutal or cavalier, but as a practicallity, it just wouldn't work. Mostly, it comes back to the fact that guys treat girls differently. Here (amongst non-flamer geeks anyway), that means with the utmonst respect (until/unless the girl proves unworthy, and sometimes even then).

Besides, some of us aren't that liberated yet. I've given up bus seats on three hour rides because I saw women standing. I've told girls to go ahead of me when there's a huge wait. Whether you call me chivalrous or chauvinistic, I treat girls differently. If you resent that and think me a horrible person for it, I'll accept that.

But the fact remains that guys can't treat girls the same. Because they just aren't.

Not even with a sex change operation.

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