Made a confession? (68)

35 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-01-14 19:48 ID:Heaven

>>33 Indeed. I act very different around girls, even online. Although I act different around different people in general - not that I pretend to be someone I'm not, but you know, I sort of have the habit of emulating the person I'm conversing with so it's easier to get along/connect/whatever. Especially obvious in IM's: the way I type to one person can be totally different than the way I type another. The most obvious difference is the use of "EMOTICONS," which I more or less only use when talking to guys for humor purposes, while when talking to girls I actually use them to give emotion to my text. This whole thing isn't very relevant, but it does add as proof that we treat girls differently, and do it subconsciously at times.

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