Forever Single? (47)

1 Name: yokken : 2006-01-25 23:13 ID:Hhak8HwQ

Alright, I don't know about anybody else here, but I've never had a girlfriend. At least, not in real life. I've had one real girlfriend online, and we've had our problems and our.. not-problems. Anyway, we're not together anymore but we talk almost every day still, between friends and more-than-friends. I feel that I'll never have a real-life girlfriend, and that nobody will ever admire me in the way that I admire them. Am I just unlikeable? Is it because I'm 40 lbs overweight? I can't help it-- I eat 600 calories or more UNDER the recommended amount for my height and weight and I still manage to stay at 200. I'm more of a quiet person, I haven't asked many people out. People say that I need to concentrate on my schoolwork before a girlfriend and/or a job; my response is: I have concentrated on school for 15 damn years, I think I deserve a distraction. I have straight A's and I have nothing to faze that. I sometimes find myself flirting with a girl in German class, only to be kicked in the shin twice because she's aggressive and I said a minor sexual slur. MINOR, mind you.

Am I stupid? Am I unlikeable? Am I just too plain smart? I know I'm a nerd, but COME ON. I don't want a girlfriend from sympathy- I want a girl who honestly cares about how I feel, how my day was. It doesn't have to be a really intimate relationship- sex can honestly wait. Hugging is enough, kissing is great. Seeing as I've never had a hug from a single girl outside of my family [cousin] and I've never had a kiss, I feel somewhat cheated out of a relationship.

Am I to be forever single? I guess only time will tell... And advice would be appreciated. Thanks. x-x;

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