This guy is just using me, right? (99)

60 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-02-04 01:05 ID:Ck5eppE6

Yeah the guy made the "who are you dancing with" move... he said how bout I teach you and apparently >>1 AGREED. So apparently she had some interest in dancing with the guy. That was his move, she jumped at the opportunity to get close to him... He took it as signal that things are going good and decided to get touchy feely. If she's known him for a couple of days doing homework etc, he prolly figures she's been around long enough to like him or whatever.
Point is >>1 fucked it all up when it went from DOING FUCKING HOMEWORK to answering personal questions (NO RED FLAGS?) and agreeing to 'learn' to dance with him.
What >>1 SHOULD have done...

Guy: So... do you have a boyfriend.
Girl: Um... I'm here to study with you and I'm not really interested in you in that manner.

Bing. Re-FUCKING-solved. At this point the guy would continue to study with her or say "oh..." feel like an ass then trash on future plans because he was just looking for some action.

And to point it out, WHENEVER a guy asks you "Do you have a boyfriend?" There's a fuckin reason.
The only time a guy will ask you that is when it's your relative seeing if he should hook you up with someone or just wondering if your progressing along relationship wise.

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