Does there exist true love? (46)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-03-07 02:23 ID:ITbJyHo0 This thread was merged from the former /love/ board. You can view the archive here.

I read an article about love a while ago. Where it said that the phrase "til death do us part", was created in a time where the spouses didn't survive longer than about twenty years.
The answer that remain, meant that love doesn't exist, and that the grim statistics reveled the true reality of marriage and love.

I felt a little discouraged when I read this, since I'm alone, and my parents are divorced.
I feel that the general public is quite naive about love, in a sense that they belive that they can't live without it.
Also that sex is the only thing that really matters, since trust is insufficient to sustain relationships these days.

This may sound a bit cynical, but I should mention that I truely would like to meet someone, but is discouraged by the fact that it may just be a whim of emotions or hormones.
Or even the harsh reality, that I'm too childish for my age, or immature.

So what's your opinion about this?
Does our society really contain real love, or is it just a childish and naive whim of emotions and hormones?

I'm really serious about this, so I would be grateful if any of you could refrain from being sarcastic or just plain mean.

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