I've been waiting.... (791)

192 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-17 16:28 ID:ftaUl2Xe

If you feel you really must, don't "confess," just tell her. You'll scare her away for sure with a confession, but if you're cool about it, I guess there's nothing wrong with it. However, I feel she's not serious about this and would've seen that red flag right away.

>she did bring new stregth into my life, if i didn't meet her last year i would have stopped filming, prob gave up since these group of people were picking on me. she actuali gave me courage to stand up agaisnt those people and to keep filming

Then her job is done. There are three kinds of people you'll meet in your life: those that are there for a lifetime, those that are there for a part of it, and those that are there only for a moment. The things we learn about ourselves through them lasts forever though.

The term Jap was used as a derogatory term for the Japanese during World War II. It's like calling a Chinese chink or a Korean gook. I doubt you are referring to Jewish American Princess since you're Australian and that's an American term.

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