I've been waiting.... (791)

616 Name: 映画男 : 2008-06-29 13:38 ID:FetTx3R1

>>615 thanks alot for your support =] really appreciate the help you giving me, i would love to think positive points to the situation but everytime that happens, i always seem to screw it up =/

my current situation doesnt seem so good =/ she hasnt picked up any of my calls, or reply any messages or emails that i've sent, she was suppose to meet me the other day for a movie but she said she couldnt come cos of some stupid things thats been happening lately =/ i was worried so i sent a email asking her wats wrong etc, but no reply at all atm =[

and your right H.K if it doesnt work, it'll be extremely akward for both of us, and that will ruin my friendship with her =/ which means i'll loose someone close to me again and i really dont want that to happen =[ so i really need to know when to do it/how to do it so it doesnt stuff up =/ gosh this is tough, but i'm not gonna give up!!

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