Do I tell her I was a whore? (18)

1 Name: Whore Junkie Thief Liar : 2006-03-14 20:00 ID:dpFnm/Tv

I'm in love with this amazing girl. We've been together for a while now, and the longer this relationship goes on the more upset she becomes with me for refusing to talk about my past and growing up. I don't want to alienate her by continueing to ignore the past, but I don't think I could stand it if I told her and she looked at me with disgust or worse pity.

I did what I had to in order to survive. I'm not proud of any of it, but it made me stronger. I made me who I am, I have a full time job, and I'm working on a degree, and I can support the friends who care for me. Does it really matter so much what I did before?

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