how do I talk to women? (11)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-04-04 00:03 ID:S4i0YEC1

Okay first a little background. I consider myself to be a fairly good looking guy. I enjoy working out, jogging, weight building, etc. and I like to dress well too. My problem is that I'm also a bit of a closet geek. I LOVE sci fi, anime, video games, astronomy, all that crap. However I completely understand that 99% of women hate that stuff, so I know that when I have caught a woman's interest and we begin to talk, I do not bring up the topic of Battlestar Galactica or something. However my problem is... I have nothing else to talk about! I don't know a thing about music, reality TV, night clubs, and other things that girls enjoy... so I end up not being much for conversations on dates or regular occasions and I turn out to be a boring guy.

So somebody help me... how do you talk to a girl without boring her to death???

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